Orochimaru the wig- I mean children snatcher

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" I gotta take a piss... " Naruto buckled his knees, pouting as he looked around the area. The rest gave him a deadpan look

" That's disgusting doing it Infront of us. Do it the the bushes "

And with that he was gone. [Name] didn't let their guard down, tightening their gloves and preparing to attack the fake.

Seconds later, ' Naruto ' came out of the bushes with a relieved and happy look on his face  " Man, so much came out! I feel great now!! "

The trio could only share a disturbed glance at eachother, with [Name] trying their best not to smirk. All three of them seemed to have a general idea of what  happened. He took a few steps, almost reaching them when Sakura struck the first move. She sent a kicked in the head while [Name] punched him straight in the face.

" What did you do to Naruto? "

"What the hell are you talking about?"

" Your shuriken holster is on your left side, he's right handed and he had a scar from the second instructor. You're a fake loser who's worse than Naruto at transforming. "

The fake smiled and transformed " Unlucky!! You figured it out, oh well!! Which one of you has the scroll?! I'll just have to take it by force then!!"

" Let him get up. Let him get up." [Name] mumbled to Sakura " Get him Sakura-chan. "  They didn't waste a second and jumped at the poor rain ninja. 

[Name]'s foot connected with his chest while Sakuras fist with his back. The duo continue to mercilessly attack the ninja, not giving him a chance to even fight back. Sasuke could only turn away at the sight, wincing at the noises coming from them.

" W-whoa S-Sakura-chan!! And [Name]!"

"And that's the real one." Sasuke mumbled. He pulled onto his jacket, walking farther away from the brutal beating that [Name] and Sakura were leading. Naruto could only stare in shock.


" If we get separated next time... Even if it's one of us, don't trust them. This could happen again. We'll make a codeword just incase. Listen... If they get the codeword wrong, assume they are the enemy no matter what they look like. Listen carefully, I'll only say it once. The ninja song ' ninja machine' when this is asked, answer with ' A large amount of loud enemies is the friend of the shinobi, hide and remain silent. A shinobi must understand the proper time, when the enemy is tired and ill prepared '  "

" Might've just chosen a novel for us to memorize. " A bloodied [Name] grumbled at the lengthy message, turning their back towards the rest and mumbling it  over and over like a mad man. After some time and many tries, [Name] gave Sasuke a thumbs up, followed by Sakura nodding. Naruto could only frown at it.

"  That's impossible to remember. And did you see the way Sakura-chan and [Name] dealt with that guy! I don't think anyone will want to approach us after that! "

Wait until you see the next guy...

" I already memorized it ... " [Name] extended their hand towards Sasuke
" I'll hold he scroll "

He was a bit hesitant but gave it anyway. [Name] summoned a blanket, turning their back and placing it above their head. [Name]s disapprovingly mumbled and shuffled under the blanket, before tossing Sasuke back the scroll and making the it disappear.

" Nevermind... Take it. Don't have the space for it."

"Hey, guys, uh..." Naruto spoke up "  More enemies!!! WAAAAAAAA!!!"  

With that, Team 7 was once again  separated.

[Name] crouched down in a dark spot, focusing on tracking down the rest of the teams chakras. Once found, they jumped in that direction. The teen landed and abruptly stopped in front of Sasuke. The boy raised his hand.

"A large amount of loud enemies is the friend of the shinobi, hide and remain silent. A shinobi must understand the proper time, when the enemy is tired and ill prepared "

[Name] bit back a proud smirk, indtead grumbling while rolling their eyes in fake annoyance. They lifted their glove, revealing a senbon launcher.

" Alright, it's them. "

Sakura sighed with relief. Seconds later Naruto appeared, smiling " Naruto!! Wait a second, the codeword!"

" I know! A large amount of loud enemies is the friend of the shinobi, hide and remain silent. A shinobi must understand the proper time,  when the enemy is tired and ill prepared" 

Sasuke smiled and threw a kunai in the direction of the second faker " So this time it's someone good enough to dodge my attacks " the faker smiled and transformed into the grass ninja  "  How did you know? That I was a fake... "

Mans not smart enough...

" People really need to do better at impersonating Naruto..." [Name] whispered to Sakura. The girl could only bite back a smile.

" I knew you were listening to our conversation from under the ground . That's why I made the codeword like that. So there's no way he could remember a song that long. So you had to be a fake.  "

" I see... Neither tired nor ill prepared, are we? This will be more fun than I thought. " The grass ninja presented the scroll to the genin " You want my ' earth scroll ', right? Since you guys have the 'heaven scroll'..." Orochimaru shoved the scroll down his throat, much to the genins horror. The sannin licked it's lips, fingers pulling down onto its eyelid "Now, let's begin... The battle for each others scroll... With our lives on the line "

" Huh?" [Name] felt something warm trickle down their face. [E/c] eyes glanced down,  focused on the drops of blood and the unbearable pain in their face. They brought a hand to their face, halfway stopping as something slid down it. [Name] could only watch in horror as half of their face fell in their hands.

" Sakura... [Name]..." Sasuke glanced towards a crying Sakura then at a curled up [Name], who was violently throwing up.

" Hehe... You can no longer move." Sasuke gripped his kunai, to Orochimaru amusement . The sannin swung more kunai towards them, but before any damage was done, the genin were gone. Orochimaru could only smirk at the blood puddles.

" Ha... Ha... What the hell happened? Just who is that woman?..." Sakura panted, trying her best to heal Sasuke and [Name]. [Name] rubbed their head, already feeling a headache coming. However none of them were given a time to rest.

Something moved from the corner of [Name]s eyes. Hastily the teen grabbed a kunai and swung it at the approaching snaje. This alarmed Sasuke, as he jumped in horror at the snake nearing closer, continuing to desperately throw kunai " UWAAA!! GET AWAY!!"

" You guys shouldn't relax for even a moment. Prey should always be trying their best to run away..." Orochimaru emerged from the dead snake " In the presence of a predator, that is.."  He slighthered quickly towards the trio, stopping once ninja stars hit the area above him.

" I'm sorry, Sasuke!! I forgot the codeword!"

And I oop-. ( Naruto! Various & Modern! reader ) ( EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now