The second test !!

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" Ugh. I'm so tired ...." [Name] groaned, slumping down a rock, continuing to voice their disapproval and dismay to Sakura, who didn't pay much mind, deciding that counting their suppliers for the nth supplies was a much better activity to pass the time.

" Did we really have to go this early. No one is even here!"

" Quiet... I feel like I'm about to throw up from nervousness. " Sakura sat down on the grass " What do you think the test will be about?"

" Probably will hand us something and be like ' don't open this or something bad will happen '... With so much teams around.."

" Wont it be team a vs team b? I mean if they shove us here... I'm sure killing here will be pardoned... "

" I'm sure of it. But we still have.. " [Name] looked at their fingers " One or two stages left? I bet another A vs B test will happen... Then the grand finale... "

" I'm not sure if I prefer this or Sara-sensei's chunin exam... "

" We are one of the strongest genin, plus Naruto and Sasuke are here. I'm sure we will make it. "

" You sound confident... What if we don't... You know we are not some type of god- Stop making funny faces." Sakura pinched [Name]'s cheeks.

" We know jutsus, we know medical jutsus. If we get split up or face a tough situation, the medic nin rules jump outta the window. " [Name] smiled as they shrugged their shoulders.

Soon, the area was filled and the team reunited for the second time. Sasuke scoffed at [Name] who was laying down " Does your back hurt, you old fossil?? Do you need my help or walking aids??"

" Youre lucky I'm not up because I would've beaten your ass so hard. "

" This is creepy. I haven't set foot inside the forest and I already wanna go home. "Naruto mumbled as he stared at the forest up front.

'You'll soon find out why it's called the 'Forest of death '

Naruto frowned at the older female and began to imitate her " You'll soon find out why why it's called the'Forest of death' You think that scares me?!! That's nothing!! I'm not afraid!! "

" Yeah... You're spirited " Anko threw the kunai cutting Naruto cheek and landing near the grass ninja " Kids like you are quickly killed .... Hehehe... " She licked the blood that was coming out of the poor boys cheek " spraying that red blood I love... "

" Here's ...your kunai ... "

[Name] stiffened in Sasuke's hold, the grip on his forearm tightening as [e/c] eyes glared at the grass ninja before side glancing at Sasuke.

" Something wrong?" [Name]'s train of thoughts were broken by Sakura's voice and something soft pressing onto their's lips. Their's eyes trailed towards Sakura's handkerchief which was now stained with blood. [Name] could only shake their head, fingers tracing their lips.

" Nah, just nervous about... This..."

" Were you that nervous that you had to draw blood from your lips?" Sakura fidgeted with [Name]'s fingers, head leaning on their shoulder.

" Looks like we have a lot of blood thirsty ones in the test. Hehe this should be fun Now, before we start the second test there's something I have to pass out. " Anko took out a fat stack of papers " You might sign these forms. There will be deaths in this one and if I don't have you sign these... It will be all my responsibility, hehe"

" You are such a piece of sunshine.... "
[Name] mumbled. Sakura's eyes widened, hand gripping onto [Name]s.

More like a piece of shit...

"I'm going to explain the second test, then you can sign it afterwards and then each team will check in that booth behind me"

She handed us the forms and continued to speak " I'll now explain the second test. Simply put... You will attempt the survival training... First I'll explain the area in which it will take place." She unfolded the map of the area.

" Around practice arena no. 44 are 44 locked gates. Forest,river and a tower on the center. From the gates to the tower is about 10km... During survival in here, you will be asked to complete a certain task. Using your many weapons and jutsu, you will compete in a no rule ... scroll battle ."

" Scroll? "

" Yes... You will fight over these two scrolls, the 'Heaven' and 'Earth'. There are 82 people here, meaning 27 teams. Half will get the 'Heaven' and the other half will get the 'Earth'. Due to the number of teams , one team must choose if they want the 'Heaven' or 'Earth' scroll. To pass this test .. your team must make it to the tower with both scrolls. There's a time limit. The second test will last 120 hours or 5 days "

" Something like a battle royale... But with more teams.."

" A battle royale?" Sasuke perked up at [Name's] explanation.

" Like a ' the last one standing is the winner' type of thing..."

" Five days?!!"

" What about dinner?!!!"

" You're on your own. The forest is full of food. Just watch out for man-eating beasts, poisonous insects, poisonous plants...

And 13-14 teams passing is not likely. As the days go on, the distance to the goal will become farther, and the time to rest will become shorter and the arena is crawling with enemies, you won't get much sleep.

So not only will some fail by losing the scroll but some will die from the harshness of the course. Now I'll talk about what will disqualify you.

First, those who don't make it to the tower, with both scrolls, within the time limit.

Second, those who lose a teammate or those who have a teammate killed. As a rule... There is no quiting in the middle, you will be in the forest for five days.

And one more rule... You must not look inside the scrolls until you make it to the tower"

" What happens if you do? "

" That will be a surprise for anyone who does. A Chunin will be asked to handle classified information. This is to test your trustworthiness. That is it for your explanations. Exchange the 3 forms for your scroll, then choose a gate to get ready for the start ... A final word of advice.... Don't die ..."

" The second test of the Chunin exam ... Now begins!!"

And I oop-. ( Naruto! Various & Modern! reader ) ( EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now