Chapter 5

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'I run faster as I can before the gate close. This is all Mew fault for appearing on my dream and I wasn't expected to love him but I did. Mew and I was having such a great time inside my dream and that was the worst dream I ever had' 

'I already saw the gate about to close and I thought I wasn't gonna make it but someone hold the gate for me. I was amazed with his face and how tall he is but then I suddenly remember Mew.Well this guy are just like Mew'

"Thank you"Gulf
"Your welcome"???

'I walked inside the school first and continue running towards the class. That time when I first met that guy,I kinda felt something dangerous on him but I ignore it because I know I will never met him again,I guess so'

"Wow,Gulf. This is the first time you late"Alex
"Yeah,something come up"Gulf
"Oh yeah,here. Mew wanted me to give this to you"Noah

'I was shock seeing Mew bought me a chocolate and I don't even shock how he find out that I like chocolate. I take from Noah hand and put it inside my bag then I look at Noah with one of my eyebrow up and another didn't'

"Nothing,just you look...normal"Gulf

'I sit down when the teacher come inside the class. I know Noah must felt confused right now or he already know what I was thinking. I smile when remember the chocolate that Mew bought for me. I guess he was serious about making me falling in love'

"Hey,Alex. I wanna asked you something"Gulf
"What is it"Alex
"What's Mew and Noah relationship"Gulf
"Don't know,Noah never told me about Mew"Alex

'I know Noah like to keep his life in quiet way, only with people who not close to him or people he don't trust with but when with us. Noah told us about his personal life and when he didn't tell us about Mew. That start to make me and Alex felt confused and worry about Noah' 

"Noah,what's your relationship with Mew"Alex
"What so sudden asking me about Mew"Noah
"No,just curious because we never know you close to Mew"Gulf
"Sorry,I didn't know you guys were curious about him.Actually he my cousin,we didn't talk much at school because of some personal reason but when he asked me about Gulf,I was shock seeing him for the first time interested in someone"Noah
"Okay,I think that's enough"Gulf

'I sigh and look at Alex and Noah who are laughing. I know what that personal reason are,its must be about Mew didn't want Noah to get in trouble because of him.As you know,Mew are a gangster person but he didn't join the gang he only help the gang because of his friends are the leader of the gang so whenever Mew there with the gang. Mew the one who swipe away all the people who get in the way and he become the target of all enemy but no one knows what his weakness is'

"Talk about the devil"Alex

'I saw Mew talking with his friends,laughing and have a great time with his friends. I just stare at him until he caught me staring at him. Mew wink at me and I just pull out my tongue, Mew start walking towards me with his friends following him'

"Did you get the chocolate that I bought for you"Mew
"Yeah,I did and I know how you know I like chocolate"Gulf
"You got me and Noah"Mew

'I look at Noah and give him a glare meanwhile he was just act like he didn't saw me giving him a glare but then I saw that guy from the gate looking at me with a sharp eyes. I was curious about him and even more,I didn't know he in same year as me because I never seen him before. As I about to stare at him a little longer,Mew made me look at him with force'

"Stop looking at that guy,look at me. I'm more better than him"Mew
"How did you know that"Gulf

'I give him a smirk and I can tell Mew was pissed off. I chuckled seeing him so frustrated,I hold his hand and give him a little of the chocolate he gave me. I just smile seeing how happy he was get the chocolate from me. Well,this guy are so easy to handle'


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