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(Hey, present day Kevin talking. MASSIVE DISCLAIMER! I wrote this book when I was thirteen and had no idea how to write proper stories like I do today, so you can expect to find some parts of the story pretty cringe. Sorry in advance.)

A pretty cool picture if I don't say so myself. It was drawn by me after all. This is what you look like before, well I don't wanna spoil it for you so you'll have to find out what happens yourself. It describes you pretty well and it just looks so awesome. Plus it's really appropriate. Anyway, on with the book. Enjoy.

Your P.O.V

I groan as I receive my latest report card, c's, d's and a few f's. My parents aren't gonna be happy, but then again they never expect anything good from me. They see me as a boy that was a mistake and they hate me me for having white hair like my brother. Well, today I'm not gonna go back to them. They're terrible parents anyway. Then the sound that every student at this school knows, the bell. Finally, school is over. We all stand up at out desks and start packing up.

"Oh, remember kids, your parents have to sign those report cards and bring them back in the next semester." The teacher says. I groan and stuff it into my bag. Then we all start walking out of the school. I start walking home since I live close to this school anyway. When I get home I head up to my room, empty my bag, change out of my uniform and put on some casual clothes. Then I fill my bag back up with a bunch of clothes. Then I pack my phone, my tablet, a charger, some headphones and an mp3. I then go down to the kitchen and grab some food. Then I walk out of the door and head to a place where I would actually be loved, my older brother's place. He doesn't live too far from here, its about thirty minutes away if I get there on foot. I put my hood over my white hair then I make my way to his house.

"Finally, I can leave this hell-house." I say to myself as I walk out. About fifteen minutes pass and I'm about half way there. I check the time on my watch. It's 4:30 PM. I look up again and continue walking. About ten more minutes pass and I finally make it to Drake's house.

"Finally." I say to myself. I knock on the door. No response. I knock again, still no response. I then notice a note on the door right above me. I take it off and read it. It says:

To my little bro Kieth, If you're reading this, then you finally ran away from your parents. The key is under the garden gnome. I'm out of town right now but I'll be back soon. And an old friend of mine wants to say hello to you. But in the meantime, make yourself at home. Mi casa e su casa.
Cya soon.

"Probably out getting drunk again." I chuckle to myself. With that, I find the key, unlock the door and walk in. I head up to the spare bedroom and start unpacking. It feels nice not being in my parent's house. I lay down on the bed and sigh. A few hours pass by and I've spent that time watching TV, playing on my phone and talking to my gamer friends. I check the time on my watch. It's 10:40 PM.

"Man, have I really been up that long?" I say to myself. I walk down to the lounge and decide to wait for Drake to come home. About another hour passes and he's still not home. Then I hear something coming from outside. I walk out the door and see something really wierd. Some sort of ship hovering fight over the house.

"What in the world is this thing?" I say to myself. The ship lowers until its about a few feet away from the ground. Then the door opens and a platform stretches out and lands on the ground. Then a bald, fat man with a orange moustache walks on it. He looks at me and a chill goes down my spine. I take a few steps back until my back is against the wall. He walks over to me unril his face is a few inches away from mine

"Well well well, its been a while since I've seen another human. So much time spent on Mobius I forgot that there were more of my kind, but I i know for a fact that no other human has pure white hair." He says looking at my hair.

"W-Who are you?" I ask.

"Oh, how rude of me. I am doctor Robotnik. Ruler of Mobius and your new master." He says.

"Huh?" I say.

"You will understand soon. METAL! BRING THIS BOY ON THE SHIP!" He yells. Then a blue robotic figure steps out and walks over to me. It then grabs my arm with its sharp claw like fingers digging into my shkun. I groan and it drags me onto the ship where it came from. A few second later that fat man walks past and the robot holding my arm follows him dragging me along with him. I try to get free from the robots grasp but the more I struggle the deeper the claws get. We finally stop walking and the robot lets go of my arm. I glance around and notice two robots sitting in two chairs in front of what looks like a controll panel.

"Orbot, Cubot, set a coarse for Mobius." The fat guy says.

"As you command sir." The two robots say.

"And as for you white hair," he starts. I feel something cold being strapped on my neck. "You work for me now." Then I feel a sharp shock radiating from the back of my neck. A few seconds later the shock stops. My vision is blurry and I can barely hear anything. But I am able to make out one thing; make sure he doesn't go anywhere. Then slowly, everything goes black.

First chapter DONE! Hope you guys enjoyed it. Stick around foe chapter 2, its only gonna get better. Trust me.

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