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I smile and look towards the others. But then I hear a loud ringing in my head and I feel an electric spark at the back of my neck. I yell in pain and hold the back of my neck. I fall to the ground on my hands and knees. The pain gets worse. I yell louder as the seconds pass by. Then suddenly the pain stops. The ringing in my ear goes away and I have only one thought in my mind.


Sonic's P.O.V

I hear a cry of pain and I turn to see Ark on his knees holding his neck. I start to worry and I can tell that everyone else is worried too. I kneel down next to him and try to speak to him.

"Ark, are you okay?" I say. He just yells louder and in more pain.

"What's happening to him?" I hear Silver ask from behind me. Then Ark suddenly goes quiet. He looks up at me, his eyes and blue highlights now red. He tackles me and next thing I'm pinned to the ground. Ark tries punching my eye. I block his fist. He tries again, this time he tried punching my throat. I block again. I manage to throw Ark off me. I hear a hard thud. I stand up and turn to Ark. He stands up and turns to me and he looks really angry. After a few seconds his eyes and highlights are back to the normal blue they were five minutes ago.

"Huh? W-What's going on? Where am I?" He says sounding tired and confused.

"Ark, are you okay buddy? You went all Beast Mode and tried to beat me to a pulp." I say.

"I-I did?" He asks.

"Yup. But the really weird thing is that you just started yelling and gone quiet a few seconds later, like you weren't in controll of yourself." Knuckles says.

"You're kidding right?" He says. We all shake our heads. Then Tails comes over and scans him.

"Uh, what was that for Tails?" I ask.

"I need to find out why Ark went berserk. So I'm scanning his body to figure out what's going on." Tails says picking up Ark's ear. He scans Ark for a few more seconds and then heads to the lab.

"Well I'm gonna head to Angel Island." Knuckles says before walking out.

"Us girls are going to the mall. We'll be back in a few hours." Amy says walking out with the girls.

"We'll be at the beach if you need us." Silver says walking out with Espio and Vector.

"I've got something to take care of. Don't ask where I'm going." Shadow says before walking out. Soon after Charmy, Ray and Rotor start playing outside and the only ones left in the house are me and Ark.

"Come on Ark." I say.

"Why? Where are we going?" He asks.

"To Tails's lab. I'm kinda worried about you. We're not quite sure what's happening and I wanna make sure that you're alright." I say concerned.

"Okay, let's go." He says. Then the two of us head to the lab. When we get there we see Tails looking at his mega computer.

"Hmmm. Interesting. Fascinating, Ark is really gonna be shocked when he hears this.  It's so hard to believe. Wait, what!? This is extraordinary. I have to tell ark and Sonic." We hear Tails say.

"What is he talking about?" Ark asks me.

"Don't know. But it seems interesting. Oh man he's coming out. Hide." I say pushing him into a bush. I look out to see where Tails is. He's heading towards the base. When I'm sure that he doesn't see us I grab Ark by the wrist and dash back to the base.

"Okay, act natural." I say to him. He nods. He jumps on the couch and starts watching TV. I join him. Then Tails walks in.

"Hey guys, uh where is everyone?" He asks.

"They all left. Did you you find anything interesting?" Ark asks.

"Actually I did. You see, after I scanned Ark I found out that he has no bones in his body. All that that he has are wires." Tails says.

"Wait, what does that mean?" Ark asks.

"Well, you're not a real Mobian, well, full mobian. You're half mobian hedgehog , half android." Tails says.

"Wait, Ark is an android? That's not possible." I say shocked.

"It is. But that's not all. I took a DNA sample from you a few hours ago and found that same DNA in Ark. Its a perfect match." He continues.

"So then, that would mean that," I start before I trail off.

"Yup. You're brothers." Tails says cheerfully. I look at him with a surprised face. I smile and turn towards Ark, who's expression is a lot different from mine. He has a surprised face too, but it doesn't look like a happy one.

"What is it bud?" I ask.

"I-I gotta dash, I'll be right back." He says. Then he runs out of the room a lot faster than I expected. He's running at the same speed as me.

"ARK WAIT!" I yell. He doesnt seem to listen. I try to run after him but Tail grabs my wrist and pulls on it. I try to go after Ark again but he holds on to my wrist even tighter.

"Let him go. He needs time to process everything. He'll be back, trust me." He says. I stop resisting and go up to my room. I sit on my bed and wait for Ark to come back. 'Wow, for the first time in five years I have a real brother. I've always regarded Tails as my little brother but now I have a real one. I just hope Ark gets back soon.' The room gets quieter and quieter until my thoughts are soon the only thing I hear. The room gets even more quiet until I fall asleep.

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