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Aelinae's POV

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Aelinae's POV

"Do you guys think I'm boyish?"

We were all sitting at our table. I was reading my book while talking to the others who were so engrossed in their lunch. I don't think anyone heard at first, it was when she repeated herself that everyone reacted.

"... like do you think I'm a girlboy-no tomboy" she corrects herself looking up as us.

As if on instinct, everyone looked at each with a knowing look before we all burst into laughter, loud. So loud everyone in the cafeteria looked as us weirdly. So loud Juanita started hiccupping, water spewed out Tobias's mouth, the triplets huddled up almost falling off there seat, Jordan literally choked on his food, Luka turned away from her trying not to laugh while I used the book to cover my face as I laughed at everyone's reaction.

" Seriously guys" we heard Kc mutter which only made us laugh more. This was probably the highlight of my day.

good one Kc.

When I saw the irritated look on her face that's when I knew she wasn't joking. She was asking a genuine question.

"Wait. Are you serious?" Tobias asked. When we saw her frown deepen, we tried to compose our laughter as Daevon spoke for us.

"Kc, we love you. We really do. Its just um... sometimes... fuck how do I say this... we might confuse you for a boy. Don't worry its not a big deal." he rushes the last part flashing a smile that was meant to fix everything but ended up making it worst. Luka glared at him swiftly moving his hand to slap his head.

"ow! I was just saying what you guys couldn't" he rubbed his head and scowled at him.

Meanwhile, Kc was still lost for words." B-but for real, how?"

Jordan signed turning up to look at her," Kc, a tomboy is a girl who enjoys rough, noisy activities traditionally associated with boys"

Kc still acting slow motions for him to continue.

"Kc that's literally you" Juanita said rolling her eyes.

"That's not true!" she protests.

"um since your in denial, why don't you ask your buddy Luka?" Daemon said patting Luka's back as everyone turned to Luka expectedly.

Luka clicked his tongue grabbing her hands, looking at her. "Its not a bad thing"

Wow, that was all he could say. What a pussy.

"But how!" she whined.

"Kc, its like 10°C and you're wearing basketball shorts and a shirt " Luka deadpanned

"I don't get cold easily"

"you never wear dresses"

"I wore one during thanksgiving" she said narrowing her eyes at Daemon.

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