Chapter Ten

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Fiona stared blankly into the open space. It was as if at every passing minute, the room became smaller. She was getting restless.

How was she stuck in the same room as Tex-Jackson? Why was he wearing that smug smile? Where the hell was her manager?

"Fiona!" This was accompanied by the door cracking open and movements. Her perky manager/assistant froze at the sight of Tex Jackson.

"Thank god!" Fiona exhaled absentmindedly, springing on her feet. "Tolu, can we start leaving already." She instantly froze too watching her gay manager strut ahead of her.

"Oh my gosh!" The idiot was star-stricken and right in Tex Jackson's arms. Texas had his best smiles on.

Texas was a bloody cockroach!

"The hell is going on?" Fiona fluttered her eyes, gaping in irritation at the tomboy lady, who'd entered with her manager.

"I can see you've met Tex Jackson."

"And why are you talking to me?" She said with an attitude.

"She's got attitude! Exactly, what we're looking for." Kenny said with a smile, handing a sheet of paper to her. "Sorry we tried sending an email, but it's been shitty network all day."

Fiona gave her a blank stare, folding her hand against her chest and refusing to take the sheet.

"My name is Kehinde, you can call me Kenny. I'm Tex-Jackson's PR. One of them." She gave a broad smile, while Fiona's expression became that of disgust.

"I'm not interested in whatever is in that sheet."

"The deal is celebrity girlfriend. It's just for the glam!" Fiona's manager howled behind her.

"Excuse me." Fiona took the sheet from Kenny and read through quickly, fiercely turning. "So this is your amazing plan to launch me to fame?"

"Babe, Tex Jackson is na OG. Na Legend." Kenny started but Fiona cut her short.

"Excuse me, why does she keep talking to me?" Fiona wanted to believe it was nothing but a prank.

"She's right ... Tex-Jackson is the ..." Tolu, her manager/assistant stuttered.

"You're fired!" Fiona shrieked, half out of her mind.

Texas started to chortle aloud. This was exactly what he hankered for. And this was a fucking coincidence. He was closing this deal one way or the other, he was that desperate.

"And you, what are you laughing at, huh?"

Texas had continued laughing, slowly ending it. "No .. it's nothing." He stared at her and bust into laughter again, continuing even as he laughed. "What the hell do you want with fame?"

Fiona took a deep breath, perplexed. Texas was surprising when least expected. He was his own kind of weird! Probably why he was a good entertainer. She imagined the break up would ruin him. Yet, he had a whole new glamour. She didn't think he was this handsome, or maybe she forgot how good looking he was.

"King Fiona!" He continued with his mockery laugh again. "My guts told me it was you when I heard that fucked up name."

"Don't think it's too late for me to finish the job, Jack started with you." Fiona flurried up on him.

Texas slowly lost his laugh.

"Yes it's all about that night. And what you cost me, you sick son of a bitch."

"They know each other?" Kenny mouthed to Fiona's manager, who gestured he didn't know.

Texas snorted, casting her a look and pacing softly within the confined space. He stopped staring at her with seriousness.

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