Chapter Twenty - Falling

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"Keep your eyes covered

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"Keep your eyes covered."

"They are. They are." I insisted, engulfed in the darkness behind my own palms. "Are we almost there? I did not wear the right shoes for this." I protested after my heels sunk into the soft grass causing me to trip for the millionth time. Jaime's hand shot out to steady me, resting against my lower back and staying there. Goosebumps erupted on my skin that wasn't caused by the warm breeze.

I wasn't sure what kind of surprise Jaime had in mind. Right after I got dressed for dinner, Jaime knocked on my door saying he had a surprise for me. We slowed to a stop at the top of a hill. "Okay, you can open them."

I gasped in surprise at the checkered blanket spread across the grass and a wicker basket resting on top. Our hill gave us a view of the mansion and the beautiful rolling hills beyond. Jaime swept his hand out, "After you."

A small smile touched my lips as I sat down on the blanket, Jaime right next to me. I curled my legs underneath me as he pulled the basket closer, pulling out plates, silverware, and two wine glasses. I raised an eyebrow as a bottle of wine emerged followed by several tupperwares of food. I watched Jaime quietly fix two plates heaping with baked chicken, roasted potatoes, and dinner rolls. I couldn't help but notice the way his eyebrows knit together ever so slightly in concentration as he poured the wine or how his dark hair curled over his forehead. When he handed me a plate, I dipped my head, a blush creeping its way up my neck. If he noticed, he didn't say anything.

"It's beautiful up here." I said, taking a bite of the chicken. I waved my fork over the food. "Did Alma make this?"

"I did."

My fork froze halfway to my mouth. "You made this?"

"I can cook, you know." Jaime smirked. "I used to help Alma when I had free time before you came along. She seems to prefer your company better anyway."

"Well, it's good. And she probably wouldn't mind having you around." Neither would I. "So what else don't I know about you?"

Jaime was quiet for a few minutes while he pondered. "When I was little, I wanted to be a pilot. I've even taken a few lessons. Father let me entertain the idea even though he knew it would never happen." He shrugged it off.

"Can you still fly?"

"I think I could still get off the ground. I only practiced on small planes. The kind that don't go far and only hold two people."

"Well if I ever meet anyone with a plane, I'll let you know." I grabbed the bottle of wine to refill my glass.

"I have a plane." He said it so matter-of-fact, like it was completely normal.

"Of course you do." I took another sip to hide my eyeroll.

"It's in Italy."

"How'd you manage to get back to the US without your plane?"

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