Chapter 1 - Tired

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Louis POV

"You're joking" I groaned loudly as I shut my phone off and tossed it next to me on the couch. "What's wrong?" Liam asked, as he munched on a sandwich, "my boss is having me work the night shift till closing this whole week". Liam shrugged "but isn't that good? you'll make decent tips", I sighed "yeah but I have a lot of assignments and studying to do because midterms are coming up, I only work closing a few times a month... I'm usually just there for my regular shift from 7 till midnight, not till 4a.m". Liam sipped some water "why is it until 4 a.m.?", I sighed "the bar closes at 3 but it takes everyone about an hour to do clean up and such". He nodded and I groaned leaning back "whatever, just think about the money Louis... think about the money".

I scribbled down my notes quickly, I was in business school because I wanted to open my own clothing store. When I was a kid I always liked the idea of running a business, and my friend Niall likes to design clothes, so we always said we could open a clothing store together. So that is the ultimate goal. My teacher finished up the last bit of the lecture before he dismissed us, as we left he handed us our papers. "Tomlinson, nice work", I smiled and thanked him before looking at my paper. A 97, yes. I can work with that. "Hey Tommo, what grade did you get?", I held up my paper smiling "97, you?". Nick was a guy in a couple of my classes, he was in school because his parents kind of forced him too. "Ugh, I got a 72... he's a tough teacher. I heard people rarely make above a B in his class, well I guess minus you" he said with a chuckle. I shoved my test in my folder before shrugging "well I guess I'm just lucky, I have to go I have work later". He waved bye and I hurried out to my car. I had a old car, it was actually Liam's old car from high school, but since he's a friend he gave it to me cheap and it's already paid off. My mum always offers to help me pay for stuff like my apartment and schooling, but she has all my siblings to take care of and I'm a grownup I can't expect her to always help me. Plus, I want to succeed on my own. So I have gotten really good at saving money.

I only had a few hours between when I got out of class, and when work started. So all I do between that time is my homework or study. I definitely don't get as much sleep as I should be, but no sleep is better than no career and no money, so. I quickly parked and locked my car before going inside, there was a few people in there. But it was still early, there were always a few people in the bar during the day. Mostly just older men trying to drink away sorrows, or small groups of guys. But as soon as it hit about nine or ten, the bar usually filled up with people. It's technically a club, I just call it the bar because I only stay at the bar. I don't think it matters though, it's a place of drinking and loud music, so who cares.

"Tommo, you're here" Zayn said as he was putting his work shirt on. I laughed "yeah, you closing tonight too?", he sighed and tied his small apron around his hips "yeah sadly, I saw on the schedule you're closer this whole week?". I groaned tying my apron on "yup, but whatever, I should make great tips". Zayn chuckled and we both clocked in. It was only about 7:30 now so this was almost like our leisure time, just get things prepped for when all the chaos would come in. Serve a couple drinks to some guys or gals drinking alone but other than that, Zayn and I would just chat and goof around a bit. "Who else is on bars today?" I asked, Zayn hummed "I know Charlie is working, but she comes in at 8:30" I nodded. I had been working here for almost ten months now, it's called "LNP" which means late night party, kind of lame but it was one of the most popular places in the area. Working as a bartender wasn't always what I had assumed would be what I was doing, but I make 12 an hour plus tips, so at the end of each month I make a decent amount of money which mostly all goes to school. College is expensive. I glanced at the clock, I guess I should enjoy the calm time before the storm.

"Can I get a Vegas Bomb!" "Can we three shots of patron!" I hurriedly poured shots as I mixed drinks, guys and girls covered the length of the bar. Primarily guys went to Charlie's work area hoping to flirt for some free drinks, and girls usually came to Zayn and I. However Charlie is engaged, I am gay and Zayn just doesn't care. I swiped the cards and slid the drinks to them, a girl slid me a twenty. A lot of people who tipped here were plastered and would be in such a bubbly mood, they'd tip you almost all their cash. I slid the twenty into my apron and took the next persons, then the next, then the next. It was loud and hot, people yelling trying to talk over the music and everybody pushing against each other to get through. Once it hit 9:30 it filled up pretty fast. And the first thing people do is head here to the bar.

"Holy shit, I had a bachelor party at my area and they were living up to the stereotypes of being completely plastered before a wedding" Charlie said as she fanned herself. It was 3:15 a.m and were sitting in the back room for a second before we started cleaning. "Yeah but how were the tips" Zayn asked with a tired laugh "I made 300 in tips alone tonight" she said happily. I chuckled "I made 360" I said after I finished counting. "Nothing I love more then drunk people with cash" Zayn joked. We all finally got up and started cleaning our bar spaces, We all clocked out and finally left. I drove to my apartment tired and ready to crash. I had classes at 8a.m so I'd get maybe a solid three hours of sleep tonight, fun.

I collapsed onto my bed, and sighed rolling over onto my back. I set my alarm for 7:30 since I would need a shower in the morning. As soon as I shut my eyes, I was out.

"All right, so for a part of your final project, you need to create a fake business. You need to follow the outlines we covered on business management, finances and goods, you all are dismissed", I sighed. Our finals were next week, on top of this project we would have our tests as well. meaning since I work full nights this week, I will be getting almost no sleep, once again... fun.

"Tommo, you look exhausted" Charlie said with a chuckle, I groaned chugging down some of my energy drink. "I know, but I'll be fine". "well just be safe... also James wants to meet with us about some event tomorrow night", I nodded "okay sounds good". After we got changed and clocked in. The bouncers, Charlie and I and one of the other bartenders Jake, all went up to James's office. "So we are having a live performance tomorrow night, we only do these once every month or so. This band is called White Eskimo, they recently became a sensation online, and this is very last minute. I will need one bartender to work the private section for them when they aren't preforming, Louis since you'll be closing this whole week I want you to do it okay? I'll call Zayn in to work your section of the bar. I want you to cater to them the whole night", I nodded "okay". He finished giving us a rundown of what time they would be here, they would have to do sound check with our D.J to make sure that after the preform we could transition to our usual music and then take them to the VIP area. I never heard of White Eskimo before, but usually our boss is pretty good about only hiring people who can actually do well live. He made the mistake one time of hiring this girl- lets just say I don't think she sings live anymore.

The night went pretty much as usual, it was full and there was never a dull moment at the bar. As soon as one person got their drink, another was there ready to order one. I ended up making only about 200 in tips, some nights I can make nearly 500 others barley over a 50. Just depends on the people I guess. I stayed up all night to start my project for my management class, thankfully I was ahead in my other couple of classes. This management class was one of the more difficult classes but also one of the most important. So I wanted to put in as much time as I could. I was doing my project about a fake business on the business I actually wanted to make, my clothing store. I started to outline and finished right as my alarms to get ready for class went off. I yawned loudly. I was exhausted and wanted to skip class, but I knew I wouldn't do it. I quickly got ready and drove to my campus. I checked the time. I was thirty minutes early so I guess I can take a quick nap. twenty minutes of sleep is better than none right? Class was basically just the professor going over our finals and giving us old assignment he finished grading, Nick complained that he only got high C's and low B's on everything, where as I pulled out with A's on all the assignments. I hurried home, changed and got ready for work and then drove to LNP. I chugged down an energy drink and slowly felt a small surge of energy fill my veins. Thankfully tomorrow I didn't have class which meant I would FINALLY, get to sleep in. I glanced at the clock, the band was supposed to be here around six so they could set up and practice a bit, which meant I needed to go to the VIP area and make sure it was set up. "Good luck tonight Tommo" Charlie said, I chuckled "thanks mate". Tonight should be easy, right?

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