Chapter 3 - what happened

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                                                                                       Louis POV

I let out a loud groan as my eyes slowly opened, the sun was shining in my window right on my face. I groaned and sat up before grabbing my head. "Holy shit" I mumbled. I glanced around, I was in my room, when did I even get home? I slowly dragged myself out of my bed and to the bathroom. I grabbed some meds before dragging myself to the kitchen and downing them. I need coffee. I started making myself some and whined at how loud the coffee maker sounded right now. What time is it even right now? I glanced at the clock, holy shit it's 4 in the afternoon? I haven't slept in that long in a long time. I heard the door unlock and Liam came in "Louis you're alive, thank god". I groaned a quiet "morning" and Liam snickered sliding his shoes off by the door. "Mate did you just wake up?", I nodded "yeah... to be honest I don't remember anything from last night. When did I get home?", Liam shrugged "I think it was around 8 a.m, my eyes widened "wait what? are you sure?", he nodded "yeah I heard you stumble in and yell "fuck" before your door slammed". I furrowed my brow looking at the coffee maker and adding sugar. "Why the hell would I have been gone for so long?", Liam chuckled "weren't you at work last night?". I sighed "yeah but I started drinking with this band that preformed and then after that I can't remember anything". I walked over tot he couch with Liam as I sipped my drink, "Jesus Lou how much did you drink?". I whined "well, last number I can think of was around.... shit maybe, thirty?". Liam's eyes widened "Louis what the hell you could have gotten alcohol poisoning, I sighed looking down at my self for the first time since I woke up and furrowed my brows. "Wait what the hell am I wearing?", Liam chuckled "I wasn't gonna say anything". I glared at him "no I mean, these aren't my clothes". I was wearing a long sleeve that was very clearly not my size, and some basketball shorts. I shook my head "I'll just ask Zayn tonight at work if he knows where I went...", I slid off the shirt and sighed looking at it. It said "Cheshire-cat" on the front, weird. "Louis what the hell is that?" I furrowed my brows "what is- holy shit" I said looking at my arm. It was wrapped in clear wrap, and underneath was a very fresh tattoo. "I GOT A TATTOO", Liam busted out laughing and I shook my head "you are kidding me! what the hell!". "w-what is it?" Liam said wiping his eyes from laughing. I furrowed my brow "I don't know there's dried blood on it... hold on". He followed me tot he bathroom and I unwrapped it, weirdly enough somehow I didn't even feel that it was sore until Liam pointed it out.

After I cleaned it off we looked at it "cool it's a dagger, atleast you didn't get a random persons name". I huffed and touched my forehead "this can't get any worse" "Um Louis... why are you wearing a hospital bracelet". My eyes shot open and I looked at my wrist "what the hell... I went to the hospital?! Liam what the fuck mate". Liam laughed "Louis you shouldn't be allowed to drink anymore". I groaned and walked to my room plopping on my bed "this has got to be a joke", "mate what the hell did you do last night". I whined "I can't remember anything, the last thing I remember was drinking with that band and then it all goes black. Next thing I knew I woke up in my room". I glanced at the clock, it was almost five now and I had to go into work at seven. I huffed "I need to start getting ready for work, maybe I can figure out what happened and ask my co-workers", Liam patted my back "good luck mate".

"I didn't see where you went after you left, but around three when everyone left cuz the club was closing, James could tell you were smashed and said you could just clock out and go, and you clocked out and left with those guys". I nodded "okay so I was here until three atleast?", Zayn nodded "why are you asking". I sighed as I tied my apron on "well, according to Liam I didn't get home until eight in the morning, the problem is I dont know what I did from 3 to 8", Zayn snickered "oh man, you were that smashed huh? you really can't remember anything?". I ran a hand through my hair "no... but I did apparantly go tot he hospital and I got a tattoo", Zayn's jaw dropped "Louis you're joking", I held up my wrist to show the hospital band and then lifted my sleeve to show the tattoo I had re-wrapped in clear wrap. Zayn laughed "Oh man, you're crazy, why don't you ask Leo to let you watch the security footage for the outside cameras? maybe you can see where you went". I smiled "hey you're right, good idea Malik". He shrugged "I try".

"Okay what time am I going to?", "about three a.m. Leo nodded and forwarded the videos from outside, "wait, stop there" I said when I saw myself. He stopped it and moved so I could watch. I took out my phone and recorded it. I was stumbling and laughing, Calum, Ashton, Michael and Harry all around me. Their guys were loading up their van and I stumbled to my car. But Harry walked over and it looked like we were talking, before I walked with him to their big music van or whatever. The van pulled out and it took off down the road, the opposite direction of where I live. When it was out of frame I stopped recording on y phone. "Thanks Leo", he nodded and I made my way downstairs. I would have to finish worrying about this later, I have work.

Sadly Saturdays were almost as busy as Fridays, so it was non-stop drink making for Zayn and I, the other bartender Jake was working tonight too. I was glad to be back on bar, I need the extra money, but being around all the alcohol made me nauseous. Closer to two people started leaving, calling their taxi's or DD's were gathering their drunk friends and leaving, so it was getting less busy. "Hey you get to see the security footage?" Zayn asked, I nodded "yeah, I ended up going with Harry and them, but nothing makes sense... how did I get home, with my car. In the footage I left it here. Zayn face palmed "mate, if you left the car here why didn't you watch to see what time you came back for your car". I blinked a couple times "oh... I didn't think about that", "How can someone so smart be so daft" Zayn said with a snicker. I rolled my eyes and tossed my rag at him. Around 2:45 we were practically empty so I ran up and begged Leo to let me watch the footage again, he just laughed at me and motioned me over tot he computer. We sat watching it fast forward for a few minutes, until I saw me. "Stop", he clicked play and I pulled my phone up and started recording. The time stamp showed that it was 7:30 in the morning, It showed Harry and I pull up in a taxi. We somehow still seemed drunk? Not even ten minutes later a tow truck appeared and they hitched my car, at least we weren't driving. We climbed back in the taxi, stumbling over each other before the Taxi followed the tow truck in the direction of my apartment. I stopped recording and thanked Leo before running down to Zayn. I showed hi both videos and he hummed "so basically, you don't know what happened between 3 a.m and 7:30 a.m, except you went to the hospital at some point and... got a tattoo. I sighed "yeah, needless to say I don't see myself drinking for a while". "Do you think they drugged you?", I shook my head "no there's no way, I was making all the drinks and setting them up so it would have been really hard for someone to do that".

As I drove home I kept trying my hardest to remember last night, and I couldn't. Everything is just foggy, and to be honest it was scaring me. I mean at some point I was in the hospital. But I mean, I feel okay? Other than the raging hang over I had this morning nothing hurts. My tattoo is sore but that's normal for tattoos. Why did I even get a tattoo? And why of a dagger? I never thought of getting a tattoo like that before so what made drunk Louis want it? All I know is, something crazy went down last night. And I need to find out what.

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