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Music played. I laughed, lifting little Nora, my sweet niece, in my arms... but the music wouldn't stop. It grew louder...

My eyelids fluttered, meeting the bright room and the music waking me from the dream. My hand was out, snapping the phone up from the table.

"Pronto," I answered with a yawn.

"Amore, how was Luca's dinner?" Paulo's voice sounded foreign.

"Buona." I rested back, staring at the coffered ceiling.

"And what are you up to today?"

"I don't know. When will you be home?"

"Next week for Thanksgiving."

Thanksgiving was more than a week away, but I had no say on when my husband came and went. "Va bene."

"Ti amo, Cara Mia. Perhaps we spend Christmas in Italia this year. You haven't been back in a while."

"You know I always spend it with my famiglia."

"I am your family too."

"You know what I mean, Paulo. I'll call you tonight. We can video."

"Eccellente! Devo andare!"

"Ciao." The phone fell from my fingers, dropping to the bed. When Paulo first began traveling he wanted to video every night. He wanted to see me, hear me, watch me. Now, he was too busy. He always had to go. Honestly, I didn't miss seeing him either. His voice evoked nothing from me, no longing, no need, no desire. Ugh.

I threw the covers off, making my way to the closet. The newest of the winter lines had arrived, and front and center was the Dolce pencil skirt and lace inset sweater. Perfetto! I then walked to the far corner, studying the wall of heels, seeing those foolish ocean eyes of Eric's and that scruffy smile, imagining what he would think of my heels. And he thought Luca was a character.

After finishing my hair and makeup, I took to the stairs down to my office, finding my espresso already waiting at my desk, which meant Hilda must be here somewhere. "Good morning, Hilda!" I shouted, hearing the faintest reply in the distance.

The market was already open, the first trades had come and gone, but I wasn't too far behind them. I opened the laptop, scrolling through the exchanges to place my morning trades.

As if seeing my actions, my phone buzzed, Luca's name flashing. "Pronto," I answered. "Good morning, Luca."

"What are you in for?"

"Amazon, a thousand shares. For now, at least."


"Up twenty-one dollars and eighteen cents by closing."

"So specific."

"I've been watching it." Their trends hadn't deviated this past quarter.

"That's only a profit of twenty-grand. Why so fucking conservative?"

"I think twenty thousand is plenty for a day's work." Spending two million for twenty grand was child's play for Luca, but we gambled differently. "I enjoy the gains as much as you do, but you know I detest the lows. Is this why you called?"

"No. I need your aiuto. I've got a clinger?"

"I don't understand. What do you need my help with?"

"This chick won't fucking leave! I tell her to go; she does shit to make me say she can stay."


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