Chapter:2 Meet the parents (anytime soon would be nice)

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Minutes later i was in the dining room. I got down and started towards the room but i heard a "psssst!!!" and turned around and saw the driver bending out of the window " don't get your hopes up" i looked at him like he was crazy, and shrugged, the workers here never really talk.. Before i could turn around there was a tap on my shoulder and i turned around scared for the second time that day and saw Victoria, my big sister who was like a year older than me .

"I don't think we can meet mom and dad today either" she sighed

I looked behind her and saw a crowded room of my siblings trying to get my parents attention, the food untouched. I have a lot of siblings that i don't even know most of them and most of them are adopted. I'm not. Victoria is (i call her vik).

"Its been so long since i spoke to them" i said trying to hide how sad i was "you know what, i'm just gonna have breakfast in the theater"

"Do you mind if i join?" she asked " a good episode of charlie and carter ought to cheer me up"

"Sure" i said turning around to hit the yellow button "how did you know that i was gonna watch that?"

"You always watch that when your upset― everyone watches that when their upset" she added

I gave a low chuckle as a train pulled over. What? A girl has the right to choices of transportation.

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