Bad Luck or No Luck

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Thanksgiving Day

Kayla POV

Last night after the conversation about me potentially being pregnant, I couldn't sleep. I want to have a baby by Kartier, yeah I do, but the timing is wrong. I don't want to throw away the rest of my college experience because of an accident. At 4 in the morning, I got out the bed and went into the kitchen to start cooking. That's the only way I can clear my mind. But outta nowhere, I got another text from Jayy.

————Text Messages————

Jayy: Yooooo

Me: Bro wtf you want

Jayy: Damn I was just tryna see what you was doing

Me: Nothing. Goodbye

He texted back but I threw my phone on the couch, I don't have time to be bothered. While cooking I had an idea, maybe me and kartier should have the talk about me getting an abortion. But then I figured if I tell him I wanna get one, he would flip out and not wanna be with me anymore. He should understand, he's a college student too who have hella shit going on. Not only he's a nupe, but the man also is in band and Vice President of SGA. Ik he wouldn't wanna throw all those things away so soon. I'll try to talk to him, to atleast see where his mind is.

10:32 AM

Kartier POV

As I woke up, I smell the aroma of Turkey and Baked Macaroni being cooked. I wasn't expecting her to be up this early, but I figured she would since it's a lot to get through. In my dream last night, I did what I always wanted to do. I proposed to Kayla, it was just me, her, and the unborn baby. She was so pretty in her floral white dress and she looked so happy. I actually plan on proposing the day we graduate, I just feel like it's perfect day plus enough time to make sure this is what I want to do. I walked in the kitchen seeing a sweaty kayla, slaving over the hot stove like a mama would.

Me: Damn Bae, you really putting in work

Kayla: Oh hey, Goodmorning bae. Yeah you see me cheffing it up

Me: You need me to help with anything? I don't plan on doing anything right now

Kayla: Well not right now, I'll let you know when.

Me: Ohhh okay

Kayla: babe I wanna talk to you about something

Me: What is it.

Kayla: So you know we have a lot of things going on right now in school. As far as you being in a organization, band, and Sga. I was thinking like me possibly welcoming a baby would kinda ruin everything you have going on. And not just you but me too, I have multiple things I have to accomplish also.

Me: So what you telling me is if you are pregnant which you are, you don't wanna keep the baby?

Kayla: Yes. Because listen we have many more times to have a baby, just not now. I plan on being with you for the rest of my life, we have time right?

Me: Yea

Kayla: Okay, so I'm gonna make a appointment whenever the clinic opens up, just to see how far along I am and when is the soonest I can get it.

Me: Let me ask you a question, say if you wasn't with me, but you was with jayy. Would you still do this same thing with him?

Kayla: Same what?

Me: This whole abortion thing. Would you have had his baby if he told you to keep it?

Kayla: Babe why are you comparing-

Me: I just wanna know. Yeah Ik it's my fault we even have to have this discussion, but if you feel I'm moving too fast then just say that. There's nothing wrong with me wanting to be a father right now.

Kayla: Why is this affecting you so much?

Me: Because having a first with the one I loved my whole life mean the world to me. You won't suffer from miscarriages, you won't suffer from stress, there won't be a reason for you to even lose a baby, OUR first child. You been healthy your whole life, and your mom never had any complications when having you or any of her kids. But you putting it off anyway because you don't wanna be bothered with it. Who's to say it won't be a second try.

Kayla: Kartier listen to me. I get that your upset, but you cannot get mad because I'm putting our future before a baby. I don't want us spending the rest of our college experience at home, while doing work online because we decided to do it with no condoms. I get what you saying yes when it's your first child, that is so special. But this isn't the time. We are not ready. Babies are expensive and we haven't even copped good paying jobs yet to fulfil a baby's needs. We still making lil money off 9-5s while accepting the lil shit our parents give us just for being college students. And to answer your question, yes I would've done this same thing if it was jayy. It's nothing against you and it's not that I don't want to have my baby with you. I'm doing what's right for us. So as a result, I'm getting the abortion whether you like it or not. I'm so sorry.

She walked out the kitchen upset leaving me standing there. Maybe I'm just too into this whole thing. Maybe it's bothering me too much. Not just for her, but for me too she's considering. What I do now and how much it would be affected. I just want us to have one while we can, there's so many women who can't even have a baby. There so many women who didn't get to have their first child because they life was taken away. I just wanna live our life perfectly right now while were here.

4:25 PM

Kayla POV

The food was now done and I'm hella tired. I didn't feel like eating that's how tired I am. As I set everything up on the table, Kartier's on the game quietly. Usually when he play 2K, he's loud and obnoxious and saying "AND ONEEEE", but he haven't did any of that since.

Me: Babe foods ready

Kartier: Okay

He said okay without getting up.

Me: Your not gonna eat right now?

Kartier: I don't have a appetite right now. I'll eat when I'm finished with the game.

As he responded he not once looked at me. His face was in a way of hurt, instead of anger or being okay. I really didn't mean to hurt his feelings or sound harsh, but it's just the truth of the matter. Ik later on he'll get over it. As I'm walking to his bedroom to lay down, I'm checking my phone and I see a disturbing text from my line sister Rayonna. She text the group chat that SHE HAVE CANCER!!! She sent us a picture of her in the hospital and she have completely no hair. She said when the intake process first started, that's when she found out she had it. But she didn't want that to be a reason to drop line and not become a AKA. Nobody noticed because she never said anything, and she kept wearing frontal wigs. Outside of the group chat, I texted her personally. With tears coming down, I couldn't take it. Cancer is not a guaranteed life living situation, she can pass away at any moment. Whenever her body can't fight anymore, that would be the end. I now see what Kartier was saying. Some women can't even have their first child due to circumstances like this, or anything else. Ik my line sister is strong, but I just wish she wasn't in this situation where it's not even a option. Kartier heard me crying and came in the room and hugged me tight. I told him what happened and he was just as shocked as I was. I kept telling him I'm sorry, but he would just respond with "It's Alright". I figured he is over the situation, but this whole situation just sparks back up the convo me and kartier had. I'll have a decision later whether I really wanna do it or not.

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