There will be sexual refrences in the book along with a couple of X-Rated literature. I felt I needed to put this content warning because I don't wany anyone crying to me "OMG DATS NASTY! DIZ IS SEX!" or "Why is my [insert gender here] reading this smut you're putting online?".
Obviously I can't physcially or electonically stop you from reading, but just know by clicking the "START READING" button, you are agreeing that I will not be held responsible for any mental or emotion damage caused by my book.
Narrativa generaleFeisty, vivacious Jazmine Robinson has been doing more than fine in the fashion industry with her clothing line "Kryptonite" and her whirlwind bachelorette lifestyle. The seductive, flirty Anthony Kerig thrives off both fashion and living in the mom...