Chapter 12

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thedailyprophet-Harry Potter & Draco Malfoy a Couple???Anonymous sources captured this picture of the couple at a fair in muggle London

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Harry Potter & Draco Malfoy a Couple???
Anonymous sources captured this picture of the couple at a fair in muggle London.
Thanks to the leaked picture, thousands of questions are buzzing around the wizarding world as the boy who lived dates a death eater. We know Draco Malfoy was deemed a "good guy" by the courts but he still bares the mark on his arm. Is this the works of a new dark lord? A love potion? Is the savior even gay? Read our newspaper to find out more!

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Harry was woken up to sound of loud, obnoxious banging on his dorm door. Groaning, he groggily got out of bed to see what the fuck the commotion was. I mean honestly, who the fuck knocks like there is a bloody murder about to attack at 8 in the fucking morning?!

Fucking aresholes don't even know what the fuck proper manners are. They couldn't wait 10 more minutes? Bloody bastar-

Harry opened the door to see Pansy's sobbing face.

"Pans?" Harry asked, annoyance melting into concern. She looked to have been trying to say something but she couldn't seem to catch her breath.

"Wow Pansy, come on take a deep breath." Harry said, leading her into the room, mind racing.

"Ron! Ron!!! RONALD!!!" Harry said loudly, still rubbing comforting circles on Pansys back. He had never seen her like this before and didn't know what could have possibly caused her to become this upset.

"What the fu-" Ron started from his bed, until he saw Pansy. She was currently sitting on Harry's bed, her head in her hands as Harry did his best to comfort her.

"Get her some water." Harry directed Ron. He didn't understand why she came here and didn't go to Draco or Blaise, or honestly, what the fuck was going on, but he would be dammed if he didn't try and help.

After about 3 minutes of her trying to stop sobbing and a glass of water later, Pansy held out her phone for Harry to take without a word.

Confused, Harry shared a look with Ron before looking down.


He was up and out of the dorm before Ron could open his mouth.

He didn't bother knocking when he got to Draco's dorm, throwing the door open as he rushed inside. He found Theodore, Greg, Vince, and Blaise all yelling in a loud manner. Blaise looked to have been crying but they all looked positively livid.

They all looked up at the sound of the door opening, before they all began to talk at once.

"Have you seen him?"

"Is he ok?"

"How did this happen?"

"I will cut off your fucking dick if you don't tell me where the fuck Draco is right now."

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