Chapter 3

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Jaskier had never been in Radovid's office before. He wasn't important enough to be summoned here for personal chats with the head honcho. Yet here he was, standing in front of the man who could make or break Jaskier depending on how well he managed to bullshit him. His associate, Troyden, stood to his left with his arms crossed and a confused expression.

"This is your fiance?" asked Troydon.

"Yes, sir," Geralt nodded. Troyden looked between Geralt and Jaskier.

"Isn't he your secretary?"

"Executive uh...assistant secretary, actually," Geralt replied before waving his hand dismissively. "Arbitrary titles. And let's be honest, this wouldn't be the first time one of us fell for our secretary, would it Troyden?"

Troyden bristled at the sly dig and Radovid huffed out a laugh. "Fair point. I must admit that I'm curious as to how this relationship of yours came about."

"Oh, you know how it is," Geralt shrugged. "All those late nights together at the office, travelling to book fairs. We tried to fight it but something just...happened. Right, Jaskier?"

"Yes, something happened alright," laughed Jaskier nervously, flinching slightly when Geralt unexpectedly put his strong arm around his shoulders and pulled him closer in what was supposed to look like an affectionate embrace.

"How long has this relationship been going on for?" asked Troyden.

"Six months," said Jaskier.

"A year," Geralt replied.

Radovid cocked an eyebrow at them and Geralt clarified, "What we mean to say is, we started seeing each other about a year ago but we only made it exclusive in the last six months."

Jaskier nodded vigorously in agreement. "Right! Right, exactly..."

"Yes. We're eh... just two people who weren't meant to fall in love but did," Geralt added wistfully.

"Yup. Two people in love. Deeply in love...with each other," Jaskier rambled. "You know, uh, when Geralt proposed, he looked at me and said, 'Jaskier, you are my world. My everything.' Then he got down on one knee and—"

"Yes," Geralt cut in, interrupting Jaskier's gibbering. "Can't fight a love like ours!"

Jaskier abruptly shut his mouth when Geralt squeezed his arm tightly and shot him a warning look. Troydon still looked confused but Radovid seemed highly amused by the whole situation.

"So, is this satisfactory?" asked Geralt cautiously. "Are you happy?"

"Because we are so happy," Jaskier stressed, resting his head on Geralt's shoulder for added effect.

"This is wonderful news," Radovid gushed, rising to his feet and extending his hand for both men to shake. "Congratulations to you both. I've been saying for a long time that you ought to spend some time on yourself, Geralt. Find yourself someone to go home to after a long day at the office. I'm glad that you finally took my advice."

"Yes, sir," Geralt replied flatly. "Thank you, sir."

"Yeah, thanks very much!" said Jaskier a little too enthusiastically.

"Terrific news." Radovid let out a relieved sigh and sank back into his large, leather armchair. "For you and for us. Just make it legal, yes?"

"Yes. Legal..." Geralt croaked. "Well...I guess we better get down to the immigration office and sort out this whole mess."

"Yes, dear," said Jaskier.

Geralt's eye twitched at the informal pet name, but he fixed a smile onto his face and nodded to his bosses. "Thank you very much for your time, gentlemen."

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