Chapter 2

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I fall into the chamber and I am greeted by the Announcer.

~Time skip because I'm too lazy~

I get through the chambers as fast as I can, and make it to Chamber 7, in which the exit was unreachable.

"Hey! Over here!"

Wheatley says from a room on the other side of the chamber.

"Pop a portal on this wall behind me! I have something important to tell you!"

I shoot a portal on the portalable surface and shoot one behind Wheatley.

I go through the portal and Wheatley laughed.

"Good job! Now let me lay something on you. Its pretty heavy, but um they told me, never never ever disengage myself from my management rail, or i would die. Were out of options, so be ready to catch me on the off chance I won't die the moment I pop off this thing. Okay? On 3."

I prepare myself to catch Wheatley, and hold my gun steady.

"1. . .2. . ."

I stand directly under Wheatley, just waiting for him to say the last number.

"3! That's way too high isn't it? Going on 3 just gives you too much time to think about it"

He backs away and I sit there, annoyed.

"How about on 1? Okay?"

How long does he have to take? Jeez.


His yelling pulls me out of my thoughts, and I drop the portal gun. Wheatley lands in my open arms as his impact sends me to the floor.

"Oh my goodness you actually caught me! The other test subject didn't"

I lay on the floor, exhausted from all of the chambers and catching Wheatley.

I thought fot a minute, then spoke.

"Do you ever wonder what it's like to be human?"

Wheatley seemed surprised by this question.

"Um well yes sometimes. Humans are very interesting creatures"

I sat up and looked at him.

"How would you like to be one?"

Wheatley stared up at me.

"Really? That would be great!"

"I heard there was a vault that humans were stored for future tests, and that there was a device for brain mapping. I'm sure we can get you in a body."

I say, Wheatley beaming with hope.

"If we can get there without her finding out"

"Who is 'her' exactly?"

I ask Wheatley with curiosity.

"She is the boss of this facility, and if she finds out we're going to the vault, she will most certainly kill us"

I smile.

"Well let's not have her find out"

Easier said than done

"Is there like a map or something?"

I ask Wheatley.

"Well, if you plug me into that stick on the wall, I could possibly find a map"

Wheatley moves his inner piece up and down, showing that he's nodding.

I plug Wheatley into the wall, and he starts mumbling to himself.

"It might take me a while to find it. There are firewalls everywhere!"

While I wait for Wheatley to find the map, I lay on the floor and close my eyes. Eventually, I fall asleep.


"Good news! I found a map that would lead us straight to the vault! Uh Y/n?"

I'm curled up on my side, facing Wheatley, still asleep.

Wheatley pops off of the stick, and rolls his way towards me.

He bumps my arm and with every child's instinct holding a stuffed bear to their chest in bed, I grab Wheatley and pull him to my chest.

Wheatley notices this, and gets flustered.

"Ah! Y/n! What are you doing?"

After a few minutes of Wheatley adjusting to the situation, he falls into sleep mode in my arms.

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