7. Extracurricular Activities

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"So how'd it happen, George?" Bad asked, concerned.

We were sitting at our usual table. Bad's trio had already gotten lunch, but Nick was getting his and Clay was getting his and mine. At the moment, I was wearing flip-flops I had brought for when we would go to the lake because socks would be a pain to put on with the bandage. I had finished with the ice pack and was going to get another one when I got the bandage reapplied.

"I tripped on a stake and then landed on my ankle weirdly," I said. "It's not that bad though."

He smiled. "That's good to hear. Did Nick or Clay tell you about how the tents are?"

"No, why?"

"They're really cozy, actually. They look small, but we have so much room."

I nodded. "Cool." 

Soon, Clay came holding two plates, sliding one over to me. "I got you the same thing you had yesterday since they were serving it. I didn't think you'd mind."

I grinned. "I don't. Thanks."

The six of us started eating, talking about the tents and camping. Suddenly, Nick remembered something. "Oh yeah, George, I forgot to tell you. People are going to swim in the lake at, like, midnight. Some sort of secret event. But..."

I wanted to go, but I definitely couldn't with my ankle. "I know," I sighed. "You guys can go, don't worry about me."

Bad looked remorseful. "I wish you could. Hopefully you can still go swimming on Saturday."

"Definitely," I assured him.

Lunch finished without any more interesting conversation. Mrs. O'Perra went to announce the afternoon event, but I already knew I was exempted from it, so I didn't care. I would instead be doing a related assignment inside that was prepared for people who didn't come on the trip. So when everyone else followed their homeroom teacher outside, I stayed at my table and pulled out the assignment. The kitchen staff came out to start cleaning, though, so I hobbled out of the eating area and into the nurse's office. The nurse had said that I could use her room for these sorts of things if necessary, so I felt better about staying in there.

The time ticked by as I did the work. I had to read some boring essay about trees and then answer questions based on it. I would rather be outside with my friends and crush. Not like I had a chance with him anyway. But it's always fun to imagine.

The work was a lot heftier than I first thought - it took about as much effort as a small project - meaning by the time I was done, it was almost 5. I leaned back in my chair, stretching my arms. I turned to the window and saw the other groups coming up. Grabbing up my supplies and paper, I hobbled out of the nurse's office to meet them at the foyer.

"Oh. Hey, George," Mrs. Blaire smiled. "We're bringing our stuff to the tents. Um, you don't have to carry your own stuff..."

"Nah, I'm fine. I'll get it." I turned to wobble to our old room and opened it with the key. Soon, Clay, Nick, and the rest entered too.

"That was boring as fuck," Nick groaned, tossing clothes into his bag. "There's only so much to know about trees.

Clay nodded. "I wish you'd been there."

I fought the urge to blush. "At least you didn't have to do the stupid worksheet."

"I dunno, the 'tree study' was probably less painful on paper. Anyway, let's get our shit and get out." Clay started putting clothes away. I did the same along with my supplies, but I kept out the key and assignment, assuming I'd have to turn them in. On my way out, I approached Mrs. Blaire, who was sitting in the lobby.

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