Name: Rex
How he got his name: On Kamino when he was a cadet, his batchmates (Wolffe and Cody) would call him a T-Rex as a joke because he was always nice but could become the meanest cadet in mere seconds if someone got him mad (mostly Wolffe). They called him Rex for short because Rex had insisted upon it.
Occupation: Captain of Torrent Company; 501st Legion; Grand Army of The Republic
Likes: His brothers; his dual pistols, his general and commander.
Dislikes: Being Forced pushed off a wall
Deepest Fear: Being Forced pushed off a wall by Anakin and Ahsoka, again
Favorite Food: Chicken nuggets
What People Think Of Him:
Anakin Skywalker: He's a great loyal captain. He's always there when I need him, although he holds a grudge on me for Force pushing him off a wall.
Ahsoka Tano: He's an amazing captain! I feel bad for Force pushing him off a wall. He's pretty fun when he wants to be. He always helps me to steal Skyguy's candy stash! Rex is the best!
Obi-Wan Kenobi: Rex is a good man. He's loyal, smart, and good at dealing with his annoying prankster brothers. He's a great captain and he's Anakin and Ahsoka's best friend.
Plo Koon: Rex is a good brother. He cares for them and based on what my son, Wolffe told me, Rex is amazing and loyal.
Hardcase: The Captain doesn't know how to have fun. He's kriffing boring! He never helps me prank anyone! Although, he did help me prank Cody. And he also howled at the wolfpack went they walked by one time. Maybe he's not so boring after all.
Fives: He made me an ARC Trooper. I'm happy because of it. He's a great captain and I couldn't ask for a better one! Although he gets mad when I prank the 501st and stuff but it's whatever.
Echo: He always makes sure I have enough regulation manuals to read. Whenever people, mainly the Wolfpack, take them away Rex always gets me a new one.
Tup: He's nice. He's by the book. He hates being thrown off walls, apparently. I don't know the reason why, though.
Kix: I always have to pull the "I'm a medic. I outrank you when it comes to your health" card on him. If he gets a deep cut in his arm, he'll say it's just a scratch. He will NEVER get his checkup when he needs one! He's the worst one to get into the medbay in Torrent Company, besides Fives. He's just like General Skywalker!
Jesse: The Captain is nice, but he's stubborn and he's a lot like the General. He has started to become just as reckless as General Skywalker.
Dogma: Unlike the rest of Torrent, Rex actually follows the rules. Unless he's pranking General Skywalker. I like it when people follow the rules and are by the book.
Wolffe: He's my chicken nugget loving batchmate. He may not be a commander, yet, but he'll get there someday. Also, I don't understand how he doesn't like the idea of biting shinies. It doesn't make any sense. Biting shinies is my hobby.
Comet: The dude doesn't understand the concept of pranking! Or biting shinies! Or pretty much anything that's fun.
Sinker: He's not much fun. He keeps lecturing me about why I need to learn to swim.
Boost: He's kinda weird. He won't let me take Echo's reg manuals, and he isn't as fun or amazing as our pack leader, Wolffe.
Warthog: I was trying to take one of the piloting books Echo had and Rex thought I was going to tear it up and so he put me on sanitation duty for a month and a half. Like seriously, Rex? I'm not like the rest of my pack!
Cody: Can someone make him a commander soon? It's kind of annoying to have one batchmate that's a captain and not a commander. Besides Rex is literally commander material. He's loyal and will take orders without question. Unless it's something extremely reckless like Skywalker's plans. Okay, fine. Rex's plans are also reckless! Just make him a commander, though!

The 501st Profiles
ФанфикProfiles from the 501st Troopers Things like: *Fives is a pranking maniac *Echo and his reg manuals *Hardcase on a sugar high *Rex just needs a break from his brothers *Kix is about to pull the "I'm a medic so technically I outrank you" card *Jesse...