Them as things i say on the river & arena/around my non equestrian friends smh

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Finn -
"Yeah trust me. Once you go to horseland your money gon' go BYEBYE-"

Jaeden -
*me skipping along humming a random tune* ... *hears a pop* "oWW MY LEG JUST CRACKED-"

Wyatt -
*to my mare (aka female horse smh)* "you better fix yo face or today's gonna be a long day for you honey"

Chosen -
"Charlie would you- Diamond stop annoying your bro- OH GOD DAMMIT FREDGIE- OK I GUVE UP."

Sophia -
"Don't tread on the dog, South."

Noah -
*to my friends* "mkay guys mum gave me the all me at horseland in 30"

Bryce -
"I taught myself to jump...South didn't...she threw me off the first few times...I started laughing...and then I just lied on the ground for a minute or two...questioning why I got a green horse again"

Oakes -
"Okay...mum let me do a presentation on South...this raises my chances of gETTING HER"

IT CAST, NOAH JUPE + MORE PREFERNCESWhere stories live. Discover now