It's Always the Gym Teacher

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I was going to wait till I finished my other story which I don't think is going to be very long but I just had to write this becuase the ideas been bouncing around in my head for a while :)

This is a Student/Teacher story but with more of a twist.  Nothing fantasy /supernatural.

I hope you guys like it because I know the grammar isn't going to be great but I hope the story line makes up for that :)



     Amber Cason.  I never thought my first name sounded good with my last.  I'm 17, turning 18 in a little over 3 months.  I should be a high school senoir, but instead today I start my first full-time job.  I didn't drop-out.  It's kind of the opposite.  I was home-schooled my whole life.  I worked constantly and finished high school at 15.  Then I went to college and got a 4-year degree in 2 years.

     So your probably thinking I'm some shy mousy girl who is clumsy and not very pretty or had family problems or something.  Well, I'm not.  I've actually been told I'm very pretty, I'm athletic, very outgoing, and my family... Well that was fine until recently. 

     Don't get me wrong, my parents are great.  They gave me everything I ever wanted or asked for even if we weren't always th best off.  We weren't poor, but we aren't rich either.  Then I went to a party.  My brother, he's my twin, dared me to live a little and go to a party with him.  All his friends would be there and I'll admit I was excited. 

     I got there in the greatest dress.  So maybe it was a little to short.  I got attention from guys that I didn't really want.  I mean it was nice but it went to far.  I decided I wasn't going to drink no matter how many times a guy tried to get me to.  It wasn't a chance I was going to take.

     I was dancing with a guy.  It was nice.  He was nice.  He took my drink, it was soda, and put it down on the table.  Then we danced and he kissed me.  I pulled away and he was okay that I didn't want to do that.  Now that I look back I should have seen the smirk in his eyes.

    After that things started to get blurry.   I felt drunk and I was slurring.  Finally, everything just faded away.  The next thing I remember I opened my eyes to see three things.  My dress was on the floor, the sun was rising out the window, and the sweet guy from the night before was zipping up his pants.

     I had just sat there in shock staring at him.  He noticed me and chuckled.  "I  had a great time" he said pulling something out of his pocket and throwing it at me.  He left me there in the bedroom  at a strangers house, naked, in pain, and alone.  I cried as I pulled my dress on I saw bruises along my legs and arms.  I had a pain between my legs I'd never had before.

     I turned around and saw a twenty dollar bill on the bed.  The tears come faster and I ran down the stairs and out the door.  I looked around but there weren't any cars.  My brother must have left.  I sat on their doorstep hopeless.  I hadn't brought my phone.  I bent over putting my head in my hands and cryed.

     Some time later a  boy about my age came out of the house.  It had been his party so obviously he was still here.  I never looked up but he seemed to know what had happened.  He rubbed my back gently and called my brother when he asked who to call and I croaked out his name.

     After that, I had a scare.  I thought I was pregnant and when I told my parents... they kicked me out.  So now I'm on my own.  I'm not pregnant, but when I tried to tell them they just said I probably had an abortion and I was just a slut and needed to be disowned. So maybe they aren't the best.  But... I still love them.

     "Ms.Cason"  I was brought out of my trance.  I hadn't thought of the whole things in the few months I'd been staying alone until now.  It must be jitters of the new job.  "Yes" I said pleasantly.  The past was the past.  "Oh! So your the new gym teacher. Your so young!" she exclaimed.  I was in the front office of Graham High School. 

     "Yes ma'am and thank you.  I'm sure you know of my... situation" I said pushing my hair behind my ear. 

     "Oh yes all facaulty was informed" She said smiling.  I nodded and she gave me a map.  I turned around and walked out of the office.

    "Have a nice day" I said as the door shut and I started towards my office.  So yes 17 is very young to be a teacher.  I'm actually younger than some of my students.  I chuckled at the thought.  I was pretending to be 21 to the students.  It was fine with the school though since I had a degree and they were short on staff.

     I strutted down the hallways towards the gym gaining winks and wolf whistles as I went.  I smirked but just kept walking ignoring the many questions about if I was new. I was pretty good looking as I mentioned before.  I was 5'8'' and skinny.  I wasn't a pole but I wasn't very big.  I've always been athletic so my chest size isn't very large.  I have enough curves to look good though.  My hair is naturally straight and light brown and I have ocean blue eyes.

     I got to the gym and walked through it to the locker rooms.  "You've got to be kidding me" I said.  My office was in the boy's locker room!  I reached for the door but was caught off gaurd when someone opened it and bumped into me knocking me to the floor. 

     "I am so sorry!" I grabbed the guys outstretched hand and pulled  myself up. 

     "It's alright it was an accedent I said brushing myself off and looking up.  One word entered my mind.  Wow.  He was about 6'2'' had dark brown shaggy hair that fell particially in his eyes and the most AMAZING green eyes I've ever seen. 

     He chuckled "I think your going in the wrong room".  He pointed to the sign that read 'boy's locker room'. 

     I giggled before shaking my head.  He was my student I couldn't think like this.  "No actually I'm not" I said opening the door and waving as it shut.

     I'm pretty sure I just confused the hell out of him.  I heard a bell ring and looked at the clock.  I have an hour untill my first class! I excitedly skipped to my office.  It was in the middle of the boy's locker room with lockers to both sides.  I guess they'd never had a girl coach. 

    As soon as I entered the office I knew this was going to be a problem.  The whole upper wall of the entire office was windows.  I looked down and saw a box with fabric in it.  I pulled them out to find that they were deep red curtains so I started hanging them up.  Just as I finished the bell rang.  "It's time" I whispered sitting in my hot pink desk chair as I heard the students file in.


So please give me feedback! should I continue? Are you confused about anything? I knew I kind of switched from serious to ... well not so serious but I wanted it to be kind of long and I changed from present to past but Pleasseee just give me some feedback because I have read some not great stuff on wattpad and I just want to know if this is worth being put on here :)

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