A New World to Explore?

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It had been several weeks since the destruction of the multiverse that Jahleel and Infinity inhabited had been wiped away from existence. All past events and memories within it were wiped away. Flame hadn't gotten any good rest in the time since then, hopping from world to world, their power being nullified by the blast. With no other life to be found, their strength was nowhere near what it once was.

One day, while Flame was asleep, Crash discovered a new world they never witnessed before. He explores this universe's planet, which turns out to be bigger than their earth, a new history will be recorded and it will be like no other before. A new history is part of a new journey, the journey to the infinite paths that leads to their destiny.

In the morning, Flame woke up, yawning as he adjusted to his surroundings. The place he saw was unfamiliar to him. After getting up, he stretched and saw Crash, the ultimate lifeform, leaning against a tall tree, crossing his arms and enjoying the great day. The sun was shining, bits of clouds in the sky, and it was overall a peaceful, wonderful day. He asked, "C-Crash? Where are we?"

"Don't worry about it. This world should be good enough to live in, not that I can promise anything," Crash said as an answer.

"Right. Uhhh, if I may ask, where exactly are we?" Flame repeated.

"Well, during my exploration, this universe has... magic," Crash said, looking out into the distance.

"Magic?" Flame asked, sounding curious.

"Yes, magic I say. Although, the magic here acts different from the magic we are familiar with."

What Crash said essentially meant that he and Flame had encountered past enemies with a range of magical abilities. The spectrum of magic they had faced was vast, varying from basic abilities to those that made them close to their full strength. However, the imagination and creation of new forms of magic was practically limitless. They had witnessed various forms of magic throughout their world, from the known to the yet-to-be-discovered.

"Okay, uhh, so we're still going with the plan." Flame asked.

"Yes, Flame, our world has been erased from existence. All past memories and events were removed from everyone who was erased, including us, but it doesn't seem to have affected us." Crash explained.

Flame noded, "That's right, it's just us left. It's going to be quite difficult to regain our original strength."

"You're right. However, we need to assess our opponents' abilities and determine their level of strength. If we don't, we may waste too much of our own energy for nothing."

"Basically, we need to be cautious and hold back... a lot. So, uhhh, you found somewhere we can stay at?"

Crash nods slightly, as if implying he has found a suitable place to stay, "Correct, it's called Fairy Tail, a guild of some repute. I also heard some things about the guild."

With curiosity, this got Flame's attention, "Fairy Tail? That sounds interesting. Well, I suppose we should stay there for now."

Crash thought for a couple moments before coming to a conclusion. With their multiverse being erased, he and Flame had limited options of where to go. After considering Flame's suggestion, Crash realized that joining Fairy Tail was, perhaps, their best option.

"I suppose you are right." Crash said with a slight smile.

"Now we're talking! But, how do we-" Before Flame could finish his question, Crash answered. "I know someone in Fairy Tail that can help us."

"Wait a minute, how long since you've met this guy?" Flame asked, surprised by what Crash had said.

"Just three hours ago," Crash answered, sounding confident.

Flame the Hedgehog Super - Volume VIWhere stories live. Discover now