~Words-weapons mightier than the sword~

16 3 1

⚠This poem contains flashy words as they might depict gruesome picture. Read at your own risk⚠


Words let out in anger are simple to say
But the tears it leaves on the faces of loved ones
Stay longer, till they leave a stain on the cheeks
And only the unbearable pain stays behind
Words which are sharper than the sword
Cause deep wounds, deeper than the grudge they hold
Enough to shatter relationships and feelings
Too much to break one's heart
Like venom, they flow through the veins
Cut to the very core of a person, poison societies and cripple nations
Conquer our minds, fill them with hatred instead of peace and love
And leave us with a whole lot of suffering in the end
It will retain a painful memory inscribed in us
The consequences of which would be drastic
All those words, we wish would vanish away
Like the footprints set on the beach sand
If we know the results our actions could produce
Its better to analyse and refine our words before spitting them out like fire
It becomes much worse when the fire starts to grow
As they say, "prevention is better than cure"

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