Harry Parker wasn't from America, he was actually from a slightly small town in the United Kingdom. But given the opportunity to study abroad for a school year, he took the chance.
But going to an American school in Bradford wasn't what he imagined...
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When Harry Parker heard about the foreign exchange program, he was excited. He was the first to sign up and was able to pick where he could go. He always wanted to go to America, he heard many things about the country but most were exciting things you could do. After going through the classes and meetings, he was ready to go overseas and live in America. He would spend one school year in America and he was determined to make the best of it.
Admittedly, he was curious about the males in America. He himself was open about his sexuality and he wondered if the people in America were open as his hometown was. Would they be okay with an openly gay Britain attending their school or living in their home? He hopes so, at least.
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Months past since Harry came to Brantford High School and was living with the Henry's. The past months have been a bumpy road for Harry. There was ups but 99% of it was down and he still had a couple of months left.
At first, the Henry's was a welcoming family but after a cheating scandal Mrs. Henry committed the family was broken. While the parents were in their own dramas, Harry didn't find comfort from the Henry kids either. After Emma found out about his sexuality and his lack of stereotypical gayness, she completely overlooked him. Jonah the youngest of the three was so wrapped up in his YouTube and online gaming he barely acknowledged Harry.
With the foster family he was staying with, he also had a hard time adjusting to their ways. He was used to the metric system but here, they go by a different spectrum. Not to mention the countless times he had written his dates wrong. He also was confused about the prices in stores and their tax laws. The main obstacle was the lost in translation. Many slangs or words were different than what he was used to. He had to learn to use his wording carefully for they were often misunderstood.
At school, it was no better. When they found out about a new foreign kid coming from United Kingdom they were so interested in his hobbies. The athletes wondered if he played American football, but ignored him when he said he only played what they called Soccer. The girls were interested in his accent and if he was an artist of some type but they too ignored him when he didn't have a creative bone of Arts. Or at least the one they wanted. Many still stuck around him and tried to befriend him hoping to be the one to say they dated an English man but when he explicitly told them he was gay, they left him alone. But very much like Emma, they thought they could have him as their "GBF" like in the movies but when they saw he was nothing like the "iconic" gay friend they dropped him.
Now as the months past he only made one friend but he too eventually left him for the in crowd. Now, he didn't care to make friends tired of others trying to put him in a stereotype. Everyone around him didn't make a move to befriend the boy either. He was just another nobody that attended Brantford High.
He spoke to his family back in his hometown often, but put on a happy face for their sake. He didn't want them to worry about him especially if he was in a different country. He felt bad for lying to them about the many adventures he went on and the group of friends he had made. In all honesty, he just wanted to go home. He missed his family, he missed his friends, he just missed the feeling of belonging.
The school in general was okay with him being gay as some of their own students were apart of the LGBT community. But it was no guarantee he was safe from the bullying from certain students. Especially from a guy who calls himself Flash; he made Harry his primary target to pick on. He often call Harry derivative names and Harry would often ignore him or just put up with it.
But today he wasn't in the mood, today was his brother Elijah's birthday. It was the first birthday he wasn't there and he was mad he would miss it. So when Flash started calling him names Harry fought back. It began with an argument and words thrown back and forth. But what pushed Harry over the edge was when Flash shoved him.
It all happened so fast, he didn't even remember throwing the first punch. He also didn't remember getting into a full fight until the teachers had to pull them apart. Luckily, they were pulled away before any serious injury occurred. Unfortunately for Harry, he wound up getting detention for throwing the first punch while Flash was merely given a warning. After all, this was Flash's first strike while it was technically Harry's third strike. Now, he sat in the office holding his eye, as he felt the stinging pain. The front desk lady going to the nurse to get an ice pack.
He looked up as he saw a kid come into the office. His eyesight was slightly fuzzy, most likely from getting punched in the eye. He saw the kid look at him nervously before he knocked on the principals office door. "Spencer, come in."