Harry Parker wasn't from America, he was actually from a slightly small town in the United Kingdom. But given the opportunity to study abroad for a school year, he took the chance.
But going to an American school in Bradford wasn't what he imagined...
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After Fridge and Spencer walked out of the principals office they sat down in the chairs while they waited. Harry who was still on the floor, noticed they were both looking at him. "You're Harry, right? The exchange student." One of them spoke, if he remembered from listening in on the conversation, it was Spencer. He nods as he shifted into a more comfortable position. The other boy sitting next to him asked what happened.
"I uh, I got in a fight with Flash," Harry mumbled. Making the other kid snorts saying how Flash was just a spoiled rich kid. Spencer shrugs in agreement introducing himself. "Well, I'm Spencer and this is Fridge."
Harry lets out a laugh but winced when he felt the bruising on his torso and face sting. "Ouch," he winced as he leaned back, he looked to the boy named fridge. He asked the boy if his name really was fridge or if it a shorter name for refrigerator. Americans and their peculiar names. Why was that?The said boy just chuckles and instead of answering he asked if Flash completely dominated the fight. Finally the front desk lady came back with a pack of ice and had it wrapped in a cloth and handed it to the boy. Thanking her he answered the boy, "I managed to get a few good hits in."
They both smile at each other before Spencer butts in saying something along the lines of how getting a few hits in was great. He also was telling Harry about the time he and Fridge fought over a game but Fridge cuts him off. Harry wasn't paying much attention after he notice the two bicker. He breathes out slowly as he felt the possible swelling go down. The coolness from the ice was relaxing. Closing his eyes for a second to enjoy the peace but was interrupted by two more people coming in. He opened his eyes and saw a blonde and a redhead come in and sit down in the five chairs.
Bethany then looks to the boy sitting on the floor. She recognized him being the gay foreign exchange student. "You're the gay foreign exchange student, right." Harry looked to the blonde and cleared his throat. He nods as Bethany hums and immediately asked if he had any tips on why a guy wouldn't like photo on social media. "I mean, maybe I'm taking the wrong photos. Hey, your gay, maybe you can help me out with the aesthetics. Oooh, maybe we can go shopping and you can help me pick out some cute outfits!!"
Harry scoffs rolling his eyes, slightly wincing when his right eye throbbed in pain. He looked down with his arms on his knees, "classic Americans. Why do you bloody people always assume all gay men know anything about aesthetics and love shopping? You honestly think I care about whether your shoes match your top?! News flash, I don't fucking care! Cheeky Americans and their bloody stereotypes." Harry grumbles at the end and leaned his head back completely ignoring the shocked looks from the four students. Huffing Harry placed the ice pack back onto his eyes.
The four students stayed silent as they didn't want to anger the Brit further. Thankfully the principal came back in and began his infamous speech about detention. Bethany tries to tell him that she wasn't meant to be in detention but was cut off. They got up, ready to follow the authority, Spencer goes to Harry holding out his hand. Harry looked at him surprised but took his hand and helped him up. Smiling thankfully they go to follow the group.
"Choose your weapon," The man held put a box of staple removers and the only two people who took one was Harry and Martha. Harry put down the ice pack, his eyes feeling better. He stood beside the red haired girl and they silently work on removing the staples. "I like how you told off miss princess over there, that was really cool of you. I'm Martha." Harry looked to her hand and her eyes. He saw genuine kindness, just like Spencer. Smiling he shook her hand, "Thank you, I'm Harry."
Martha looker between the magazine in her hands to the boy with a bruise temple. Taking a deep breath, "you know, not all Americans classify others into stereotypes." Harry stops and looked to the girl, he stayed silent as he thought back to the first day he came and to now. Spencer and Fridge were first people to acknowledge him as just an exchange student, not the gay one. When he first made his friend the first topic was brought up was his sexuality.
Before Harry could respond Spencer came and was trying to talk to Martha. He noticed how nervous Spencer was and fumbled over his words. He looked to Martha who was trying to hide a blush and smile. Wanting to give the two a chance to connect Harry silently walked away from them. "What the hell do they need a bowling ball for?" Fridge spoke aloud making Harry laugh and asked if he hold it. Fridge nods as he handed him the ball, Harry held the ball up and made it look like he was bowling.
"My family always had a family day where we would do everything together. Some nights it was bowling, golfing, laser tag, or a classic movie night." Harry spoke fondly as Fridge chuckles. The boy asked why golf was so much fun and Harry goes to say it was better than watching men fight for a pigskin ball. Fridge chuckled at Harrys unusual description of football and telling him to attend one of his games and he'll change his mind about the sport.
"I'm too pretty," The blonde spoke as she messed with her phone. Harry watched the possible verbal fight begin but it didn't happen. Fridge pulled out an old game console and Spencer goes to plug it in. The game turns on and it was an old graphic design saying, Jumanji.
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As the two boys got a controller, Fridge asked the blonde girl to join and Spencer asked me. "You sure? I'm not as much of an expert," Harry spoke honestly. The only games he was familiar with was Uncharted and anything in that spectrum. The only old video he ever played was Mario Bros. Spencer told him it was okay, that he never played this Jumanji game before either. Shrugging he took the controller and looked at the game characters.
Fridge chose a player named Moose Finbar and Spencer chose a Dr. Bravestone It was now Harry's turn to look at the characters. One name caught his eye as he moved the stick until the name glowed. Clicking select on the name, it was the girls turn to chose their characters. "I never got your name," Harry spoke to the blonde girl who chose to be a "curvy" genius.
"My names Bethany, and your," she paused as she looked to the character i chose. "You're Jackson Swindler." The end of my lips curve up in a small smile as I look down. All was left was Martha who eventually chose Ruby Roundhouse. When Spencer clocked ready, the game started shortening out. Little sparks were flying everywhere, everyone began freaking out telling someone to pull the plug out. Harry looked for the cord and pulled it out, sighing in relief they all look at one another.
But seconds later a bright green light flashed the room temporarily blinding them. "Oh my god, Spencer!" They all cry as we saw Spencers hands pixelate and disappear into the green gem on the console. Next it was Bethany and Martha. I look to Fridge as he slowly pixelated and Harry looked down. He yells out as he saw himself disappear just like the rest of them.