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"Wait! Where's Harry?!" Spencer yells put catching the attention of the other two

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"Wait! Where's Harry?!" Spencer yells put catching the attention of the other two. "Where's Bethany?" Martha asked they look around for the other two people. They look up as they hear someone screaming and hear someone say ow. They watch as they saw a small chubby man with glasses. "Harry?" Fridge asked but they shook their head saying it was Bethany.

They all look at one another with a silent question, where's Harry? Once again they heard screaming and look up seeing someone fall from the sky. Instead of falling on their faces, they landed on foot and knee. They stood up and looked around them. He was almost as tall as Spencer's character, light brown hair and green eyes.

"Who are you people?" The man asked in an american accent. They begin talking all at once again and Harry couldn't concentrate. He couldn't process anything so he did the next possible thing, he whistled for their attention. Everyone cringed as they held their ears, the whistle was very loud and ear piercing.

"So you're saying, you're Spencer an-" Harry stops suddenly holding his throat. Then to his hand as he looked to outfit. He was wearing a blue work pants with a blue grey button up shirt and a brown vest with lots of pockets. He looks at the others freaking out, "Wha-what the bloody hell is happening?!? And why do I have an American accent!?" He turned around and around looking at the jungle in front of them. Bethany also freaking out about her phone. Harry stops and gives the short man a look.

"Bethany I don't know how to say this but-"

"Bethany you're a bloody man! A short fat man!" Harry yelled realizing it was the blonde girl stuck in a man body.

"Definitely would not have said it like that," Spencer mumbles as Bethany yells out a what and runs to the water to see for herself. Harry looks to the others and to another short man with a backpack. "Whose the short man child sporting the backpack?" The tall bald man tries to cover his laugh by clearing his throat. The short man gives him a deadpanned look saying it was Fridge. Raising his brows he looks to the taller male. "So that means your Spencer and your Martha?" Harry points to the tall redhead in a crop top and shorts. The women nodded her head and before more was said Bethany screaming about being a middle age man.

They all look to Bethany, Harry realizing something was moving in the water. He slowly made his way to the freaking out Bethany. "Beth, love. You need to move... Right now." But she wasn't listening and soon a Hippopotamus came out. Everyone tried to warn Bethany but she wasn't listening and before Harry could pull her away the Hippo clamped its mouth over her. Everyone screamed backing off a bit, Harry fell onto his back nearly missing the Hippo. The hippo spots Harry and tries to go for another bite but Harry yells crawling backwards as fast as he can. "Someone help!" Harry yells as he he tries to crawl away. The other two boys were arguing about who goes into the water. The hippo's mouth was open and last minute Harry saw a log not far away. Rolling to the right he grabbed the log and he swung it at the Hippo. The hippo cries and goes back into the water, Harry was huffing and puffing as he staggered back to the others. Martha immediately checked him for wounds, and sighs in relief. They all pat his back in gratitude but all Harry thought about was Bethany.

"The hippo just ate Bethany and almost ate Harry!" Fridge cries out as they begin to freak out. Suddenly they head a chime and see someone falling from the sky. "Ow..." Bethany cries as Harry asked her if she was okay.

"I, like can't even with this place."

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