I love you

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It's been two weeks since your date with Lafayettes, but it only took two days too find out he was the clingy type, he would text you every day and wanted to be with you every second, but hey, you didn't mind it.

the whole squad was hanging out with you at your house. you were sitting on Lafayette's lap, laffy I'm bored you mumbled laying back on his chest, he stroked your hair, well what do you wanna do má Chérie? He mumbled back, umm...oh! We should go roller skating you said excitedly, Lafayette giggled sounds good to me, he said almost sounding nervous.
do you guys wanna come? Laf asked,
sure why not the hole squad answered back, and with that you got all your stuff together and left.

Time skip

Once you finally got there the whole squad got there roller skates on, you looked over to see laf struggling to tie the laces, you giggled to your self and walked over to him, need help? You asked he looked up at you nervously, uh y-yes please he stuttered out, you giggled you kneeled down and tied up his roller skates, ready, y-yeah! He stuttered out again.

Lafayette's Pov

I was getting really nervous to skate since I was a super clumsy person and have never roller skated before, I slowly and wobbly got up holding on to y/ns shoulder like a child, she giggled at me, have you ever roller skated before she asked,
I paused for a second not knowing what to say, of course! I said trying to sound confident, fuck why did I say that I cursed myself in my head, let's go then she said smiling holding my hand leading me onto the rink (is that what you call it?)
As soon as I put my first foot on the rink I fell face first onto the ground, Merde! I said still laying on the ground, are you ok babe? I could hear y/n say behind me,
Uh yeah, I replied back, do you really know how to roller skate? She asked, no, I said embarrassed she slowly help me back up and kissed my cheek, want me to show you how? She said smiling, yes please I said my face heating up from embarrassment, she grabbed onto both of my hand and started roller skating backwards, ok so you just push you're feet she said to me, I looked down at her feet trying to figure out how to do it and after a while I finally got the hang of it, without even realizing it y/n slowly let go of my hands, look at you go! She said happily she took my hand and skated beside me, god did she ever look Gorgeous in the colourful Lights, I love you she said smiling at me, her face lit up realizing what she had just said, I simply smiled.

I love you too <3


July 18 2020

Sorry that took so long!
Also I wrote this at 3:00am so sorry if it's bad!!

Words: 521

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2020 ⏰

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