In love

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I spend weeks with laf, we watched movies together went on walks, god I wanted to tell him how much I loved him but something in me told me he didn't feel the same, and I didn't want to ruin are friendship, but god I've fallen so hard for him,

~Later that day~

Hey laffy wanna go on a walk I said I couldn't keep it in any longer I was going to confess to him, sure let me put on my shoes and I'll be right out, he said with his charming French accent, I walked out side of the dorm waiting for him in the parking, soon enough he came running out, ok ready to go I asked smiling, he laughed ready, we walked down the park trail together I look at him a giggled as I start to giggle, Whats so funny? He asked, I run towards a tree climbing it sitting on a branch, soon enough he climbs up with me sitting beside me, i look at him, even since the day I came to this college you were different they everyone else, you made me feel happy and bubbly for the first time in a while, I take a deep breath, Lafayette I-I think I'm falling in love with you I blurt out red blush covering my cheeks, he looked at me shocked, y/n I-, shit he doesn't feel the same I thought to myself, I-I'm sorry I new you wouldn't feel the same I say jumping off the tree branch landing on the ground, god why am I such an idiot of corse you wouldn't like a girl like me I said starting to walk away, before I took another step I felt laf grab my arm he spun me around smashing his lips into mine, it felt like the hole world stoped his lips were so soft, after what felt like a minute of use kissing we parted, y/n I love you too, he said I couldn't keep the smile of my face, I grabbed his shirt pulling him in to another kiss shorter this time, we just smiled at each other, so, wanna go on a date? how does Friday sound? He asked smiling that sounds great he wrapped his big hands around mine and we walked back together,
This is the happiest feeling I've ever felt
I mumble to myself.
404 words
June 8th 2020

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