Chapter 7: Faron

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"HAWK! HAWK! DID the innkeeper tell you? They have partri-" Ever the lady, Sidony crashed into Hawk as she entered the room. Her mouth shut with an audible clop once she realised they had company.

At least she was feeling better, Hawk thought with amusement. He'd known a warm bath was a cure for many ills.

Red-faced, Sidony clung to his arm as she came under the interested gazes of two knights, a squire, a mage and a barn owl mage-beast.

Fighting back a smile, Mage Faron bowed. "Well met, young mage." The owl on his shoulder sighted the mouse peeping out from Sidony's collar and ruffled her feathers.

Cricket squeaked and ducked away, rousing Sidony from her unaccustomed bashfulness. "Good evening, sir," she said solemnly, holding out her hand. "Are you a mage too?"

Faron's long fingers closed tightly about her hand and Hawk caught a glimpse of pale green before the mage let go with a satisfied smile. "I am indeed, my dear. Mage Faron, a teacher at the Royas Bay mage school, but unlikely to be a tutor of yours for much magic."

Responding to his smile, Sidony bounced happily on her toes, but the arrival of Irissa and the guards forestalled any questions. Especially when the woman spotted Faron.

The witch stopped mid-stride, while the mage straightened to his full height. Their gazes locked and Hawk could practically feel them both bristling, like two cats meeting for the first time. On Faron's shoulder, the barn owl stretched herself up tall and thin, watchful and waiting.

Arien crept into the room as soft-footed as a shadow, clinging to the wall. The barn owl glanced dismissively at him, then swivelled her head for a longer look. Some of her surprise must have reached her mage because Faron blinked and turned to the boy.

There was a long, thoughtful silence before Faron looked at Hawk. "I believe introductions are in order, mage-page. I'll let you do the honours."

Since he was the only person in the room who knew everyone, Hawk realised he had no choice. "Everyone," he said to his road companions. "Allow me to introduce Mage Faron, Sir Tobias, Sir Gedrey and Squire Philippe, all lately of Royas Bay." Turning, he nodded to the group around the table. "Mage Faron, sir knights, squire, may I present Lady Sidony Roscoe of Summerford Lea, Mistress Irissa Rowe and Guardsmen Huw, Edo, Lupe and Grey, all of Gunnis Ridge, and lastly, Azarien, a young mage newly met on our travels."

Allowing everyone to trade nods and polite greetings, Hawk looked at Mage Faron. He had lost track of time somewhat during his adventures, but he knew the new school term must be due to start any day and, since the mage wasn't well known for his travelling, Hawk could only assume he was outward bound rather than returning. Which made things even more intriguing.

Finding himself the centre of curiosity, Faron smiled. "No doubt you've had a hard ride today. You young types always do," he added with a wink for Sidony. "And since we've already eaten an excellent meal, in the interests of fairness I believe it's best to let you eat and relax before we start talking. Please, join us."

Sidony huffed and Hawk narrowed his eyes. "There's no need to wait for us to finish before you tell us how you came to be here, sir," he pointed out.

But his mage-tutor hadn't worked with young mages for so many years without learning a thing or two. He smiled and beckoned them towards the table. "True enough, but I believe your own story will make for more interesting listening, and for that I'll have to wait until after you've eaten."

At which point the door swung open to admit the innkeeper's wife and several maids, arms laden with platters of food.

"Ah, here you are." Faron steered Hawk, Sidony and Arien forcibly into the seats nearest the fire, shooing the knights out of the way. "Partridge, I believe you requested, Lady Sidony." And he piled their plates so high with mouth-wateringly tempting food that it would have been rude to resist.

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