Chapter 6: Rescue, Part 2

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"ARE YOU SURE you want to do this?" Hawk felt he had to ask, regardless of his own opinion.

It had taken four days to leave the forest. The first had been for burying their dead, grieving, collecting their supplies and marshalling their strength. The next three had been full of repetitive trees, menacing shadows and fumbling for the right path. Now they were back under the open sky and on the road to Royas Bay again.

Although the four guardsmen were his father's men, Hawk knew they no longer wished to travel with him. After Arien's rescue, they'd become exceedingly wary of all things mage. They even refused to let him heal them once his magic had returned. They'd always kept a respectful distance from the march's son, but now they avoided him as much as possible. Hawk had taken to wearing gloves at all times to prevent accidentally touching anyone, but it wasn't enough. They'd seen what Arien could do and they were frightened.

Sidony wasn't seen as such a threat, but the days of teasing and cosseting the young lady were gone. There wasn't much to laugh about anymore.

Irissa was the only one they trusted. She'd been close to Ren and they looked to her for guidance. Besides everyone knew witches didn't have the same kind of power as mages. They were much weaker for a start and needed herbs and things to work their magic.

It was Irissa that Hawk faced now. The differences between witches and mages had been forgotten during their dark time in the forest, but Hawk wasn't a fool. They were back under the sky now, back in the real world where witches and mages did not get on. Here witches did not go to the city, while mages from all over Wrystan went to Royas Bay to train. No witch in her right mind would help one young mage reach that place of learning, let alone three. Especially now Ren was gone and she had no reason to continue the journey.

"Ren made an oath to your father to see you safe all the way to Royas Bay. It was his responsibility to escort you to the mage school," Irissa informed him in the dull voice that had taken hold of her after the last shovel of earth was placed over Ren's grave. "He might be gone but his oath remains. I will not see his honour tarnished."

Although he wanted to argue, sensing a trip to the city was the last thing the young witch needed, Hawk nevertheless agreed. He needed the guardsmen for the rest of the journey. If he was alone he could have managed, but he was worried about Sidony and Arien. Irissa was the only thing keeping the guardsmen close to the mages, so he had to let her stay.

Burying his misgivings, he borrowed the authority of his many knight-tutors and gave a brief nod. "Very well. It should take us another six days to reach Royas Bay. We'll head for Tinnen's Ford tonight. A hot meal, a warm bath and a clean bed is the least of what we all need."

Leaving her to inform the men, Hawk turned back to his mages and coaxed them into movement. Sidony was subdued but obedient. Arien was withdrawn, dressed in the clothes of dead men and riding a borrowed horse. Their mage-beasts stayed as hidden as possible and all their decisions were taken by Hawk. When everything was ready, he swung into his gelding's saddle with a sigh. It was going to be a long six days.

Then it started to rain.

* * *

THREE DAYS LATER they were a bedraggled, pitiful bunch who dripped their way inside the Wayfarer's Halt. Situated on the King's East Highway, Harble was a bustling little market town and the Wayfarer its only inn, but all Hawk cared about was the fire, the fact it rented rooms and the prospect of warm food.

His men were still avoiding him and hiding behind Irissa in all their dealings with him. Not that there were many. Since Tinnen's Ford they'd been camping in barns and haylofts and riding steadily through each day, stopping only for lunch and an afternoon break to rest the horses. No one spoke, not even Sidony. Everyone was tired. And the rain never stopped.

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