Chapter 21: Mage Students

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"GOOD MORNING, STUDENTS." Mage-Mistress Evariste walked around the echoing ballroom, half-smiling at the bored expressions on the second- and third-year students' faces.

She stopped in front of the first-years, eyeing their attempts to contain their excitement. Her ice lion paced slowly behind her, and they both stopped in front of Arien. He met their cold eyes with perfect calm. His talk with Hawk had helped. He'd made peace with himself.

Now it was time to make peace with his magic.

Seeing his resolve, the Mage-Mistress gave an approving nod and continued her pacing. "No doubt you are all aware of why you are here this morning."

The vast ballroom of the mage school seemed sadly empty, even with fifteen students and five adult mages inside. The wall of windows opposite, dribbling with rain, made the space seem even more vast and empty. But it was the painted panels on the walls that held Arien's attention.

These were the real Mages of Wrystan, the most famous pupils of Royas Bay. He'd chosen to stand in front of Amarantha Weaver of Cheene, looking surprisingly young and beautiful in her flattering portrait, with the most enormous jackdaw balanced on her arm. Nia looked more like an eagle. Then again, living legends deserved a bit of artistic license.

Sidony jigged beside Arien, unable to contain her bounciness, especially when the Mage-Mistress' back was turned. Even Cricket was out in the open for once, shivering on his mage's palm. Arien could feel their magic already; a bright, glowing spark dancing across Sidony's skin.

No wonder she was so fidgety.

At his own request, Hawk stood on Arien's left. It meant he was separated from the rest of the second-years, but the mage-page often went his own way. Arien was just grateful he was there. If his magic did overwhelm him today, he was confident Hawk's golden light would be enough to bring him back.

"Thus far your time in the mage school has been all theory and no practice," Lady Evariste continued. "Frustrating, I know." A pointed look in Sidony's direction halted her mid-bounce. The Mage-Mistress gave a small smile. "No doubt you have your own ideas of how things should be done. The delay will have seemed unnecessary, perhaps even cruel.

"I will not tell you to trust in your tutors, I will simply congratulate you on your patience." Another glance at Sidony set off a ripple of amusement, while the little redhead turned pink with embarrassment. "And today you shall have your reward. Today your real magical journey begins. After all, what is a mage school without a little magic?"

There were a few happy mutters from the first-years, while the second- and third-years started fidgeting, wishing she would hurry up and get the speech over with.

"It is not yet fully understood how power is distributed in Wrystan, why some are granted great gifts, while others are more modest, but it hardly matters beyond being grateful for what you have, no matter how big or small. There are many more people out there who have nothing. You are the lucky ones."

This time her eyes swept along the whole line of students, stopping here and there to send her message home. There were a few uncomfortable squirms by the time her gaze reached Arien. He tilted his head and the Mage-Mistress smiled.

"We cannot all be Mara." Her smile widened, and she focused on the whole group again. "Nor will we all be healers or battle mages. Ordinary mages are the most numerous of us all, but that doesn't mean they are weak or useless. Should your power put you in this rank you will be in the very best of company."

"So says the most powerful cold battle mage in the country," Hawk muttered, and Sidony coughed to stifle her giggle.

"Cold battle mage?" Arien whispered. It was the first he'd heard of such a thing.

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