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Chapter 5

Gradually her eyes open to receive the morning light, her face wrinkle a little as a result of the sudden light and with several blinks, her eyes acclimate at last and yet the vision remains unclear and therefore she keeps her eyelids partially open. With her fingers she wipes her eyes from the sleep dust before she stretches her eyebrows and blinks again to awaken herself and looks at the ceiling and stare at it for several minutes aimlessly.

she can see from outside the window that it's still too early and what confirms it, is the overwhelming calm throughout the room and the apartment.

She turns her head to the side, followed by her body, to lie on her right side, looking at her other partner on the other bed in the room.

Only half of her face is showing; Her crown, forehead, eyebrows, her closed eyes and part of her nose. The rest was buried behind the teddy bear, which she held tightly, other than that she was all wrapped up inside the blanket with a comfy mess.

If someone enters the room and sees the arrangement of the room, they will see that Jennie's side is more messy than Jisoo's, even while she is occupying it she's keen to keep it tidy and plus she doesn't move much in her sleep.

Jennie on the other hand... No comment.

Jisoo explains this because of Jennie's love to sleep and to sleep comfortably.. very comfortably, any position that makes her sleep faster, she will sleep in it and doesn't care about the bed messiness or arrangement.

It's not like this pretty characteristic annoys Jisoo, on the contrary, she finds it very adorable and somewhat matches Jennie's personality.

This made a weak smile depicting the features of Jisoo looking at her and making her think about staying that way until she wakes up. Jennie's just so cute while she's asleep and so she just wants to sit and watch her.

Well.. she'd have done that if it wasn't for the urgent need to go to the bathroom and now.

. . . . . . . . .

After finishing her morning hygiene and going out to the chest of the apartment, she stands in the middle of it feeling boring and looking around, stretching her body with her arms raised high and yawning. Today is Friday, meaning that - except for going to the dance studio - there is no work, that is, a full day of resting (minus the number of hours she gonna spend while practicing, of course).

With the calmness of the place and the dim lighting of the apartment, which is overshadowed by the natural light coming from outside, the only thing that comes to mind is a cup of hot chocolate, only the idea of ​​it makes the warmth overwhelms her body and makes her muscles relax.

She puts water in the electric kettle and sits on one of the chairs attached to the table, waiting for the water to heat up. She stretches her arms on the table and restes her head on one of them, thinking about random things, most of which doesn't really know what they are; Some are about work, some are about the party, some are about what will she do today or tomorrow or after tomorrow.. the girls.. What will she do about them? Their stay with her, for how long? Their future, what can she offer them?

Their relationship, what is it exactly? What do they mean to her? What does she mean to them? Does she really mean anything to them?


No, it is not correct to think this way, she reminds herself, and she doesn't know why it occurred to her in the first place!

Jisoo shakes her head as if trying to throw out these unnecessary thoughts and gets up to check on the water, it got heated and the kettle was turned off automatically.

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