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The next morning came in sooner than you anticipated. The worry of everything that would start from today had made you lose your sleep. You had to fail, one way or another. Ms. Yoon came in on her usual time to help you get dressed. Your sighs could be heard as Ms. Yoon kept on doing her work silently, she knew how you felt about this but she didn't have a say in it, neither did you. Your worst nightmare was coming to life. From today, your life could change forever.

You stepped out of your room and greeted your parents, they gave you their blessings as you were headed to your palanquin. You gave your house one last look, as if this was going to be your last time there. The palanquin was pulled up and you started on your way to the palace. This was finally the time you could shed your tears and feel your pain without anyone questioning it. The one question that came to mind was, "what if?". To the point, that they were killing you. Surely, death would've been better than losing your true love. You pushed away your tears and put the best smile on your face as you felt the palanquin lower. Hopefully, you would fail in the first test. With that thought in your head, you started off to the palace with Ms. Yoon beside you. You could see many other noble ladies, seeing them, you felt reassured that you could fail easily, so you fell at ease.

You walked to where the other noble ladies were going and finally settled at your testing ground, your first one being making the perfect cup of tea. You purposefully dropped the tea, to portray yourself as someone who was clumsy. Many noble ladies had laughed, some were shocked at this display of clumsiness at the King's court. You pretended to be apologetic, to make them think it was a mistake but you made many errors to show that you wouldn't make the right future queen. Somehow, you passed this round.

Days went by like this. Back and forth to the palace was getting normal for you. It became a chore rather than something to look forward to, like the other ladies would say and giggle. For you, this situation wasn't suitable. You continued to make mistakes, unforgivable mistakes like the walk of a noble lady, the manner of sitting, everything you had been tested for, you made multiple mistakes but every time you passed those rounds until only three noble ladies were left, including you. You were asked to leave for today. You went to find your way to Ms. Yoon when you heard some palace workers talking and stopped to listen, "The talk in the palace is that lady Y/N will become the prince's wife," one of them said. When the other questioned them, they replied, "Haven't you heard? Rumour has it that she is betrothed to the crowned prince's younger brother. To get revenge, the crowned prince has specifically chosen her. To keep his delinquent brother under his control."

You stumbled back, hearing that. Who was the delinquent prince and when had you been betrothed to said prince? Suddenly, the workers stood at attention, and someone in royal clothes came out. Yoongi. What was he doing at the palace? But he wasn't Yoongi. He wasn't the Yoongi you knew, at least. The scar on his face told you otherwise and so did his aura. It wasn't the loving and friendly aura you were used to. That's when it dawned on you, the Yoongi in front of you wasn't Yoongi at all. It was Prince Young-hwan and by the words of the palace worker, you were soon to be married to him. And the delinquent prince was your Yoongi. You finally understood why Yoongi had hidden his family history from you and why it was so dangerous to be connected to him. Everything made sense now.

You had to leave, you traced your steps back, finally finding your way to Ms. Yoon.. Ms. Yoon was already waiting for you. You hurried your way to her, "Ms. Yoon, I think you know where we are headed before we go back home", you said. She nodded, "Yes, my lady, I'll let them know." You gave her a smile and walked towards the palanquin quickly, and sat in.

The palanquin was set down once you had reached your destination. You got out, a rush in your footsteps as you went knocking on Yoongi's door. "My lady, what are you doing here?" "Yoongi, we are in a huge trouble!", you exclaimed. "What's wrong? What happened?", he asked. You told him what you found out at the palace and how you were supposedly betrothed to the delinquent prince. Yoongi listened patiently until you finished explaining to him that the crowned prince was out to get revenge, that was how you had been passing all those tests, not because they liked you, but because they had an agenda against the delinquent prince. Yoongi finally broke his silence and asked, "But, y/n, do you know who the delinquent prince is?" You looked at him and nodded, "I saw Prince Young-hwan, he looked exactly like you. I think it's safe to say you can tell me about your family now."

He sighed, "I didn't want you to find that out by yourself, I would've felt better if I was the one telling you in the first place. But are you okay? Knowing that I am the so-called delinquent prince?" You shook my head, "Of course not, I understand why you hid it though. I also know it was for my own good, So, why will I question you on something like that? But I would like to know why you live out of the palace and how did you end up leading this life?"

That's when he told you how it all began. From the time he was born to this day. He told you how when they were young the crowned prince got a scar, making him redundant. He could no longer be the future king but his determination and terrifying ways got him where he is today. As decided by the King, Yoongi would have become the future king. The royal court was in discussion to make him the crowned prince when Young-hwan had attempted his first murder. He had killed his first wild beast at the mere age of eight. He was intrigued by blood, unlike other children. He would spend hours practicing sword fighting, slowly he became the royals' favourite. Yoongi, was disregarded. Only cared for by the queen, his mother. Seeing that their mother favoured Yoongi, Young-hwan plotted against their mother and got her kicked-out of the palace, charging her of treason. Of course, Yoongi too was to leave but he was closed in his quarters for years until finally, they both turned thirteen and the chances of plotting treason with their mother had become low. They told him he will no longer live as a prince, he will have the life of a peasant with the title of a prince. The royal court will no longer acknowledge him unless there came an atrocity.

Young-hwan got what he wanted at that young age. He threw his own mother and brother out of the court. He didn't fear the gods, he claimed he was god himself and no one could ever be higher. For him, no one would take his spot, he was destined to become King and a King he shall become. His way of doing things were characteristic of him turning out to become a tyrant king, one out for blood and one he wouldn't stop at any cost until he gets what he wants, that is, true eternal power and fear. The thought of a King like Prince Young-hwan, sent shivers down your spine. Could someone like him really become the King? A King should be just and listen to his people, not someone who instills fear in his people.

Yoongi finally finished telling his past to you, you listened carefully as he went on. Your heart broke for him, for you knew he had never any intentions of taking the throne from his brother, but his brother took everything from him for his own selfish pleasures and jealousy. Yoongi was left with nothing, he couldn't even go see his mother because the palace guards might follow him and find out her location. She was safe, as long as she wasn't near Yoongi. Thinking of that, your heart broke into tiny pieces for your love.

Yoongi sighed and then said, "I know this is a lot to take in but I don't expect you to understand just so. You can take your time to go over it but I will have to tell you that I don't plan on letting you stay with him." His words rang through your ears and your eyes went big at the realisation of the meaning, "What are you trying to say, Yoongi?" He looked at you and replied, "Now, listen to me carefully. You have to do as I say and make sure you do it with no hesitation. Tomorrow, you have your final test, you have to pass no matter what." "What- Yoongi, no—." He interrupted you and said, "No, listen. You have to pass so you become the Queen. The ones who lose will become a part of the prince's concubine, then I won't be able to assure your safety. You could be killed and no one would ever find out about your whereabouts, and one thing I know about Young-hwan is that he is thorough with his killings. He won't leave a single trace of you behind and no one will dare go against him. Being the queen is your safest bet for now. So win, y/n, you have to pass that test tomorrow. No matter what." You hesitated, but you gave him a nod. You knew you could trust his words but you still held one doubt, "But wouldn't me being his queen mean that we can never be together." to this, Yoongi replied, "I have a plan."

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