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You stayed up the whole night, not realising when you fell asleep until a rapid knocking outside the prince's room woke you up. They were yelling about some atrocity that had taken place so you woke Young-hwan up to open the door. He smirked as he realised what was happening, going straight for the door and as soon as he opened one of the eunuch was looking at him with panic in his eyes, "Your majesty, the king is dead." Prince Young-hwan showed the most senile smirk before chaining his expression into a sad one and said, "My father? Dead?" His voice seemed to have a shake but the smirk you had seen suggested otherwise. He told the eunuch that he will shortly be outside in his mourning clothes to pay his respects. Once the eunuch left, he closed the door behind him and turned to me, "I told you you'll be Queen soon. You can go to your room to get changed to your mourning robes now. The mourning period will start soon." You got up and left his room. His cold words suggested he had a had in his own father's death. He had just committed treason but you couldn't say anything because he was now the king.

Once you were dressed in your mourning clothes, you stood by the side of Young-hwan and mourned for the king's death for hours, which soon turned into days. The mourning was now over and Young-hwan was now the King and you were his queen. You were scared of what he could possible do. Was he going to do something to harm you or Yoongi? You feared Yoongi being harm the most. You were fearful of what the King could do. He now had all the power in this world, and no one to question his authority. You were lost in such thoughts almost everyday, fearing for Yoongi and the people of Joseon. A voice broke you away from your thoughts, "Your highness, Queen Dowager has asked for your audience," the palace maid said. You nodded and got up to follow her to the Queen Dowager's chambers.

Your arrival was announced by those standing guard to the Queen Dowager's room and you entered. You greeted her and sat down as assisted by the Queen Dowager. You looked at her, waiting for her to say something to you. The Queen Dowager looked like she was in pain, of course, she had just lost her son. She finally said, "I know you have just become a part of the royal family but I must confess, I did not choose you only because the prince- the King, had taken a liking in you. I've kept an eye on you since the day you entered the palace as a contestant and I knew didn't want a single thing to do with the prince. I knew from day one you were aversive of this marriage, that is why I chose you when you finally reached the top three." She paused as she stated this, making you think how closely had she possibly kept an eye on you to have noted such a thing. "I am sorry I chose you so selfishly to avenge my grandson, the other prince." Your eyes widened at her statement, you were shocked that she addressed Yoongi, knowing it was forbidden to say his name in the palace. "I have always been in favour of Prince Yoongi, he deserved to become the Crowned Prince, he was just and kind. He cared about his people, but I can't keep reminiscing someone who is no more a part of the royal family," Queen Dowager said and her words made you wonder, 'did they all think of Yoongi as a delinquent?'. This meant many had no idea about his existence or who he truly was, making him even more susceptible to death by the hands of his own brother, Young-hwan. It scared you even more. She continued and said. "I hope to avenge the royal family. Young-hwan has never been rational, so what would make him rational after having become a king? Nothing. That is why I needed a Queen who wasn't blinded by the power of being the Prince's consort and a Queen. Prince Yoongi, Young-hwan's younger brother, didn't deserve the treatment he got. He deserved to serve this kingdom and become the most just king of all but we failed to save him from the wrath of King Young-hwan. We need salvation for the people of Joseon, Queen y/n. We can't let our country perish at the hands of the King." Just as Queen Dowager finished her sentence, there was a knock on the door. Before anything happened she quickly added, "Just one thing before anyone finds out, I know of his life, I know he is there. He will come and save us all from an impending doom." The door opened and in came a palace maid and went straight to Queen Dowager, who nodded at me to let me excuse myself. You bowed and left. Your guards and maids right behind you as you walked to the hidden garden.

You took in the fresh air to easy your heart from knowing that the man you were betrothed to, was the killer of his own father. You were scared of him, to say the least. You were lost in your thoughts when a sudden shuffle alerted you of someone's arrival. "My queen, what are you doing here?" It was Young-hwan. Your fear of him had increased tenfolds when you saw him now, behaving so nonchalantly when his father, the previous king, had died only recently. "I was taking in the air, my majesty," you had stated. You wanted to be alone, and soon. "Shall we go for a walk together, my queen?" Then he leaned in and said, "You better start walking if you don't want anything to happen to your beloved, Yoongi." He said his name with so much spite that you could not help but walk with him. He could do anything and Yoongi's life depended on you right now, more than anything. So, you walked side-by-side with Young-hwan. "I hear you visited Queen Dowager earlier." It wasn't a question, it was a statement. Did that mean he had someone spying on her? Or maybe he had someone following you? "Ah, yes, my lord. She seemed upset on her son's death so I went to comfort her," you said, trying to evade him from questioning you anymore. "Mm, I guess so. Her grandson is still alive though, she should be happy," his insanity had no bounds, that's what you derived from his comment. "Yes, she said that she is glad no harm was done to you, but she couldn't help but feel sad for her son's untimely death. I think she has right to mourn her only son. Your being healthy puts her heart at rest. She feels better knowing you are doing well and knowing her cherished grandson is now a king," you replied, hoping he would stop with his interrogation of you already. "Is that so, my queen? It did not seem you had enough time to talk so much," this meant he surely had one of you being tailed. You had to alert Queen Dowager to not trust anyone but you. "It was just enough." This ended his interrogation and you could finally breathe without him questioning your every move.

He walked you to your chambers and nodded for you to leave. Before you got in, he stopped you saying, "I am glad you are cooperating, y/n, but that will not change the fate of those whom you are trying to save." You nodded. You knew he meant Yoongi. Every action of yours accounted for Yoongi's safety or harm. You knew he was safe, because so were you and the day harm comes your way, you will accept it as your fate, because there was no way you would be harmed if Yoongi would be alive. Your existence was the sole reason for you to believe that Yoongi surely had a plan.

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