Chapter Four

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"Mol... Molly...?"
Charles had sworn that the woman was his second ex-wife. He wanted to see her again. He wanted to give their relationship another go. Maybe Molly hadn't really meant it when she had said that she wanted Charles to leave her. Maybe she had been challenging him, just to see if he would really do that. If that had been the case, Charles hated himself. Why would he do that? Why did he not put up a fight?

The woman turned around to see what was going on. She saw a man in his wheelchair coming towards her - unluckily for her, she hated these situations. Being mistaken for another person. She never knew what to say.
A look of sadness came across Charles' face. There went that thought. "Uh..." he hesitated, "wrong person. I... I'm sorry," he had been about to turn himself around when the woman said something to him. It wasn't anything much, but he couldn't just ignore.
"It's okay. I'm sorry that I'm not the person you're looking for," a bit of a dry chuckle came from her. Oh, god. There she went again with that awkwardness.
A small smile appeared on Charles' face. "Don't worry about it. I wasn't looking, I just thought you were someone I knew."
"If you don't mind me asking, who did you think I was?" The woman asked, a hint of curiosity in her voice.
"This is going to be rather embarrassing. But, I thought you were my ex-wife... it had been my fault anyway that things didn't work out. At least, I think so anyway. I won't keep you with all the details. You've probably got more important things to deal with." He was only going to make a fool of himself, so he decided to save himself the embarrassment. He already had embarrassed himself right now.
Curse her and her curiosity. Or, maybe she just cared. She knew that it was never good when things were bottled up in the mind. "By the way, I'm Danielle. Unfortunately for you, not quite a Molly."
"I'm Charles. You needn't worry about not being a Molly. You seem nice enough to talk to," okay, well maybe he saw a beauty of her that made him want to be closer to her. That wasn't necessarily a bad thing.
For some odd reason, Danielle seemed surprised by the fact that Charles hadn't left. She tended to be pretty awkward a lot of the time. "I wouldn't mind hearing about this Molly. How come you wanted to talk to your ex?"
Charles scratched at his head for a moment, trying to think up a response that didn't make him sound like a mad man. "It wasn't me who wanted to leave the marriage. She was the one who wanted me to leave her. Stupidly, I did. Now I just wonder whether she was just challenging me. Maybe she wanted me to put up more of a fight than what I did..."
"Whether that was a challenge of the relationship or not, that wasn't a nice thing for her to do at all. Why should it be you crawling back to her?" Danielle looked at Charles, sympathy expressed in her hazel eyes.
"You're probably right," Charles had admitted, exhaling a breath. "Anyway, what are you doing here? You don't seem to be a nurse... you're not wearing a horrible uniform like them..."
"I'm actually visiting my brother. Well, just visited anyway. Almost the whole family came along, so as you can imagine, I needed a spot of fresh air," she momentarily looked out into the distance before showing a small smile.
The two had continued to speak for a while, but Danielle had to leave when her party did.

Shortly after returning to his room and getting into bed, with a little assistance, Charles had fallen asleep once more. There wasn't a lot else that he wanted to do. Using his phone was out of the question; it contained a whole load of photographs from his happier days. Those would just mess with his head at the moment. The sleep that Charles had was far from peaceful. His dream was more like a flashback. The memories of thinking that he had found a friend in Azizzi, and then the betrayal shortly before his death. Everything was crystal clear in that flashback. He remembered being covered in his former friend's blood, unable to save him. And then just seeing Elvis' face, it made Charles miss his best friend even more. This flashback had soon made Charles question whether he could trust anyone anymore. Anyone could act like they cared, when in reality they were just going stab you in the back.
Charles woke up, covered in sweat. He didn't care though - it wasn't like he could do anything about it. He just stared straight up at the ceiling, stuck in his own thoughts. He didn't even hear one of the nurses come in to check up on him.
"Mr. James...?"
Charles eventually came out of the daze and looked expectingly at the woman. "Yes?"
"I just came to check up on you..."
"Well, I'm fine. Thank you." Well, not really, but she didn't need to know that.
"And, I came to tell you that an appointment has been set up for you to speak to a psychiatrist. We all know that you're not fine. And, it's okay to not be oka-"
Anger flashed in his brown eyes, and a low growl came from him. How dare a complete stranger assume how he was feeling. "I don't need to talk to anyone. Cancel the goddamn appointment and give it to someone who really needs it," Charles snapped once again, making the woman jump. Charles' moods were so unpredictable right now, even Charles himself didn't know when he was going to snap.
"Sir, you do really need the appointment. Look, you're just snapping at me when I'm only trying to help and do my job," the nurse said, trying her best to keep her cool.
Charles rolled his eyes. "Well maybe if you stopped assuming what I need other than help for my injuries, I wouldn't be so fucking pissed off with you and whoever else is involved."
The woman sighed. There was clearly no getting through to this man when he was in the mindset he was in. "Just tell that to the psychiatrist when you see them."

"Why should I trust you? Why the fuck should I trust anyone...?"

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