The Emir of Oman

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The year is 1110 A.D and Emir Jabir has just usurped the Emirate of Oman from House Fadlid; something that his family has failed to accomplish 3 times before over 100 years. His cousin, the previous Emir, is now in custody and was stripped from a title that was in his family for many generations; since it was granted to them by the Caliph 130 years ago.

Emir Jabir's great grandfather Abdel Jaleel has set a plan in motion 80 years ago that would help secure the Emirate for Jabir. The Emir of Oman at the time was the strong and powerul Emir Ramadan 'the Magnanimous'. A just and brilliant strategist, he earned the love and respect of all his vassals, including Abdel Jaleel. Abdel Jaleel however, being extremely ambitious has already decided that the Emirate will fall into the hands of a member of his dynasty. It would only be a matter of time.

The Witch

Abdel Jaleel had a secret friend with many talents. Her name was Shouka Bint Ramadan; a possessed witch, and also the Emir's daughter. Abdel Jaleel enlisted the help of his friend to fullfil his ambitions.

First, the current heir Mubarak ibn Ramadan had to be dealt with. He was one of the best administrators the realms have seen and just like his father very well respected as well. The key to any revolution is to have weak leadership at the top and soon enough the vassals will rise up.

The witch Shouka succeeded at poisoning Mubarak using a pigeon whose claws were dipped in cyanide. The pigeon landed on Mubarak's balcony with a letter strapped to it's leg. As Mubarak approached the pigeon, it flew up and dug it's claws deep into his eyes. Screaming in pain, Mubarak started to stumble around, crying in agony as he clutched his face. Suddenly his heart stopped and he plunged down 70ft off of the cliffs of Muscat where his balcony overlooked.

The Emirate was then inheritted by Jabir's uncle and Ramadan's 'the Magnanimous's brother Emir Abdul Wahab. Abdel Wahab's youngest brother was in the court in Dhu Zabi for tutoring. However instead of being taught about their land's beautiful history, fencing and horse riding as other kids his age were taught, the young boy was left to do whatever he pleased without any regard to people around him. This boy's name was also Mubarak, just like Emir Mubarak 'the Mangnanimous', however he was nothing like his grand father. Mubarak was a coward from his childhood, very greedy and extremely lazy he didn't feed himself until he was 17 years old. The young Mubarak was the weak leader Abdel Jaleel was looking for.

Shit just 'goat' serious

Abdel Jaleel's plan was to pass the emirate down to the spoiled brat Mubarak. A weak Emir will surely make it easier to capture the emirate in the future. For this plan to succeed, the current heir Abdel Wahab also had to die. Once again Abdel Jaleel meets with his friend Shouka to discuss the next steps. They agreed on a plan and a week later Abdel Waham was stomped to death by a herd of goats while walking in the courtyard. The goats had escaped from a strange man who just opened up shop in the Central Market of Muscat a few days before.

The plan is now complete. Abdel Jaleel would just sit back and wait for the current magnficient Emir to die while Abdel Jaleel kept building up his holdings and investing in his people.

Emir Ramadan already in his late 50s was rocked by the death of his oldest son and brother so close to each other. At 65 he finalled passed away from high stress and depression of the deaths in his family. Finally, Abdel Jaleel's plan came to fruition and would result in a series of weak Emirs in power. A long time hold on Oman was finally breaking apart, and the iron fist of the Fadlid's was starting to loosen.

The Rise of a New Emir

Emir Jabir of Zabid finally succeed in plotting to get a claim on the Emirate and led an 8,000 man army to Muscat. This army was funded by the rich provinces and massive war chest that was passed to him through many generations of Zabids. It was the final act of the The Fadlid's 130 year rule in Oman.

Jabir crushed the 1st Royal Batallion of 5,000 on the outskirts of Muscat and then marched south to crush the second smaller regiment of Aden. Jabir finally returned to Muscat to defeat Emir Mubarak 'the weak' at home and throw him in the deepest dungeons of Dhu Zabi.

At 52 years old Jabir now rules the Emirate from the rich capital in Dhu Zabi and his demise contains the provinces of Hajar and Mahra. His nephew and current heir, is Sheikh Husam of neighbouring Duqm. Sheikh Husam although an excellent administrator is a lousy state diplomat and a deceitful coward. He cannot be trusted and the vassals will certainly not like him.

Crushing the Fadlids

It's only been 7 years since Emir Jabir rose to power and he now sets his eye on the jewel of Oman, the province of Muscat. He must find a way to shake it's five holdings from the fist of his imprisoned cousin and centralize his family's rule around the 3 wealthies provinces. In the meantime, at 52 years old he has 3 daughters and it doesn't appear he will be able to produce a son. History is about to repeat itself if Emir Jabir doesn't get a more capable heir than his nephew.

With a last ditch attempt to produce an heir Emir Jabir decides to get married again in the summer of 1114 AD to the beautiful, patient and charitable Emira Dilar from Afghanistan. Her envy got the better of her and she insisted on having a bigger wedding than Jabir's first wife had. A wedding fit for an Emir of Oman. The wedding lasted for 7 days and the newly weds visited all six sheikhdoms of the emirate including the rich province of Aden in the neighbouring emirate of Sanaa.

In the same year of his second marriage, Emir Jabir was finally able to fabricate a claim on the sheikhdom of Muscat. He quickly strips the title away from his cousin with no objections from any of the vassals and decides to leave his cousin to rot in the dungeon for the rest of his days. Jabir rewards his loyal brother Khalil and awards him the western most province of Mahra which also changes the succession to Khalil who is more capable than his nephew the Sheikh of Duqm.

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