No Glory

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The year was 1161 AD and at the age of 60 years old, Qawurd passed away in bed surrounded by his family and his last surviving wife. His son Abu-Bakr is to take over the emirate from his father. His father requested that Abu-Bakr give the Sheikhdom of Kairawan to his youngest brother Khalil, a just and fine soldier. Khalil will lead the charge on spreading the Zabid dynasty's influence in Africa.

A year after his father passed away, Emir Abu-Bakr started the invasion of neighoubring Al Hasa. Al Hasa is the capital of the Emirate of Damman next door. Abu-Bakr recalled his own father speaking a lot about how he is working on taking over Damman but the opporunity never presented itself. Abu-Bakr thought this could be his chance to bring glory to House Zabid.

Abu-Bakr led an army of 10,000 men and 500 camel riders to Al Hasa. He quickly found himself in trouble because he didn't carefully asses the situation and Emir Husam of Damman. The Jannabid's have been ruling Damman since 1014 AD. Since the Zabid's revolt in 1110, the Jannabids have been preparing themselves for a Zabid expansion into their territory. Abu-Bakr found himself facing an army of 25,000 men, most of them hired merceneries. The Jannabids were rich, extremely rich and that was Abu Bakr's mistake. Abu-Bakr was forced to surrender with very little fighting, there was no point. He returned him after a very expensive defeat. The tribute to Emir Husam bankrupted the Emirate of Oman. So much for bringing glory to the House Zabid.

It took 10 years to stabilize the Emirate's finances again and re-build the army. Abu-Bakr spent the decade contemplating whether he should attempt the invasion of Damman again and realize his father's dream or remain patient. The Emir of Damman is even richer now and can raise an army of merceneries again just as quickly as the last time. Abu-Bakr has also been eyeing the Emirate of Sanaa to the south of Oman. Sanaa could also be a gateway to Africa if he chooses to wage a holy war there. In the meantime Abu-Bakr continues to fabricate claims on the neighbouring emirates, increasing his wealth and growing his court with valuable allies he may need to use in the future. The time for war will arrive soon.

In 1173 AD the Sheikdoms of Duqm, Mahra and Dhofar rose up in revolt against Abu-Bakr after Abu-Bakr attempted to arrest the Sheikh of Duqm for attempting to fabricate claims on Oman. After defeating the revolt in Duqm, Abu-Bakr gave Duqm to his son and heir Abdul. To his dissapointment, Abdul immediately joined the revolt with whatever troops remained in Duqm. Abu-Bakr was facing a major revolt in his Emirate. The revolt was further joined by Abu-Bakr's half brother Khalil from Kairawan. Abu-Bakr was really upset with how half his vassals rose up and decided to take him on the battle field. These traitors, including his son must be punished.

The revolt was defeated 5 years later in 1178AD and the traitors imprisoned. Abu-Bakr pardoned his eldest son and heir from prison as to not impact the future of the Zabid household with no other suitable heir ready to lead the emirate. Emir Abu-Bakr died bedridden and infirm in the sprint of 1182 at the age of 58.

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