Emir Abdul 'the Lion Heart'

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The Tigran Decadence Usurption

Abdul's ally and son-in-law the Emir of Tigris requested the support of Emir Abdul in his war to usurp the title of Baghdad. The Emir of Baghdad is just as powerful as Emir Abdul of Oman. Abdul accepted the request and marshalled his army to aid  Emir Mahmud the Young. In 1199 AD  Emir Abdul led his army to Baghdad. After some careful manouvering of his army Abdul defeated the Army of Baghdad in Mosul,  Ramadi, Kermenshah. The Army of Baghdad laid in shambles as Emir Abdul marched on to conquer Baghdad. In 1202, the war was over and Emir Mahmud usurped the Emirate of Baghdad. The northern border of the Emirate of Oman is now safe and alliances secured and honored in the north. The balance of power in the Arabian Empire is still in favour of Emir Abdul with his army making up the biggest chunk amongst all the emirs with 25% of the total forces in the empire. And now the next most powerful Emir in the Arabian Empire is indebted to House Zabid for honoring their alliance and supporting them in this war. In other war news, Abdul's uncle Khalil was given the sheikhdom of Kairawan by Abdul's father Abu-Bakr in 1161 is now revolting against his leige in Kairawan. Abu-Bakr's wisdom is playing out nicely in the western part of the Empire.

Invasion of Damman

Later in the fall of 1202, Abdul declares war on the sheikhdom of Damman, a part of the historic Emirate of Oman but Sheikh Ramadan Jannabid was not a vassal of Oman. To complete his great grandfather's vision for House Zabid, Abdul marched to Damman to take out the final province from the Jannabids and secure his hold over the emirate. Abdul can later deal with changing the ruler in that sheikhdom to a favourable Zabid family member. In the same year, Abdul's eldest daughter Shameem married the Caliph Abdul-Qadir continuing a tradition of royal marriages from House Zabid to Arabian royalty. The Jannabids were weak and the war was over in a year. Abdul has secured the full emirates of Oman and Damman in 1204 AD. In 22 years of rule, he has secured his family's hold on Oman, successfully invaded the neighbouring Emirate of Damman and secured several alliances in the north. The Army of Oman stands at 20,000 strong men that are one of the better equipped and trained in the whole Arabian Peninsula.

He's a holy man

It's been a peaceful 5 years in the Emirates and Abdul a 58 year old brilliant mujahid with the battle scars to show it sets his eyes on the Kingdom of Abyssinia in East Africa. Over the 5 years since the last time he was on the battle field he has secured 11 alliances across the Arabian Empire and he is sure the Emirs around him will aid him in a holy war against King Melaku. To further expand his influence, Abdul needs to expand and land his sons outside of Oman. According to his spies reports, King Melaku commands a decent army of around 15,000 men. It will definetely be a close war, but it's worth the risks. The Holy War for the Duchy of Berbera began in March 1207. As he saddles his horse, Abdul thinks to himself that this might very well be the last time he sees Oman. The war was expensive but it ended in 1211 AD and Emir Abdul 'the Lionheart' returned home after a successful campaign in East Africa. The 3 sheikhdoms were distributed between his heir and other members of his family. At 62 years old, Abdul finds himself alone after all his 3 wives have died out of natural causes, he knows his days are numbered now. On the 10th of June 1211, Abdul got married for the 4th time to a young Turkish princess. His son Is'mail also got married to two Ethiopian girls. Those kids should turn out interesting...

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