>Sight<Chapter One>

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I sat, frozen. I watched my poor brother getting beat up by the other kids. He had always been smaller than me, but he was more courageous. I was scared, watching in the birch tree as Ian got another blow to the face. He hit the ground, a scream escaping his lips, blood everywhere. I cringed, almost throwing up at the sight.

I must of cringed to hard, because I heard a large ear-splitting crack. I shifted nervously, but it was to late. The branch cracked again and I fell 6 feet from the tree, onto the biggest boy there. He was flattened, and the other kiddies ran away. What luck! He was out cold, so I crawled over to Ian. Poor Ian was knocked out too. He was always being beat up. I touched his face softly, wiping blood away. His bright blue eyes opened, and he smiled. "You saved me," he said softly.

"Yeah. I did," I said, not wanting to own up to being such a coward. Falling accidently onto the bad guy doesn't exactly count as 'brave'. "Lets head back to the village. We can keep practicing with our wood swords."

"Okay," he said excitedly. I helped him up. I had him lean on my shoulder. My heart ached at the pain he was in, as it often did these days. People had something against him for some reason.

"Ian," I said softly.

"Yeah," he said casually, smiling through the pain he was in.

"Do you know why the kids always pick on you?" I asked.

"I presumed it was because of our father," he replied.

"But he's gone! He left!" I insisted, "And it hurts for me to see the other kids pick on you! Why don't they bother me?"

"I don't know," he said, frowning. Suddenly he tripped, falling into the dust of the dirt path.

"Ian!" I screamed.

"I'm fine," he said, though the cut on his face had reopened.

"What did you trip on?" I asked.

"This," he replied, holding out a shiny arrow. Looked very new.

"Oh," I said, taking the arrow from his hands and placing it in my bookbag. "We could use more arrows anyways."

We continued walking down the path, but something felt off. As we got closer to our village I smelled smoke. I ran to the top of the hill, and saw fire in the village below. Smoke floated out of it like an angry cloud. Echoed screams sounded from the villiage. "Ian, we need to get out of here. It's not safe down there!" I exclaimed.

"No! I need to get Mom's diamond sword out of there!" Ian shouted back, already making his way down the hill.

"Ian come back!" I yelled, chasing him down the hill. Yet he was much faster than me. I watched him slide down gracefully, going almost 3 times my speed. "IAN!" I screamed. Soon he disappeared into the burning village. I headed to our log cabin, knowing that's where he'd be. When I got there, I saw a rouge attacking him. I watched him grab Mom's diamond sword out of Ian's hands, swiping his face.

Cutting his eyes.

"NOOO!" I screamed, jumping straight into this boy, adrenaline pumping through my veins and causing me to fight. I blindly made punches, fear making me almost useless at fighting. We fought for a while, before the rouge ran off, disappearing and leaving me with a bloody face. The sword was gone, and Ian was out cold. That rouge had done more than cut Ian's eyes. Red marks laced his throat and chest, and a deep wound bled in his arm."Oh Ian," I whispered, tears leaking from my eyes as I ran from the burning village, carrying Ian bridal style. "Poor, silly Ian."

Quick side note from the author, happy new year. I honestly wasn't PLANNING to publish this New Years Day, but here it is. I hope you enjoyed it ;)

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