Chapter 20 ~ Christmas Special

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So this is my Christmas chapter I was kind of bribed into doing this by my 3 year old nephew. the song to the side is Have yourself a Merry Little Christmas by Frank Sinatra. Why? you ask well because this song always makes me cry and it's always the song that my dad would play while we opened our presents.

I hope you enjoy.


I was woke up by a sudden weight on my chest and loud laughter that was coming from somewhere on my bed. Opening my eyes timadly and stared unpassionatly at a grinning Colton who was laying across my chest.

"Merry Christmas" Colton and Jack yelled before they began to jump up and down on my bed.

"What are you three" i yelled over them "get out of here" i grabbed my blanket and pulled it over my head with a groan.

"Get up get up get up" Colton screamed at the top of his lungs as Xavier and Eli made their way into my room.

"NO!!" I groaned as I pulled my blanket over my head and snuggled deeper into my matress.

"Christmas!" Xavier joined in causing my eardrums to burst.

"Kill them" I said quietly to Loki who had peaked his head under my covers to check if I was alright, as if he knew what I had said he nodded to me and wiggled his head out so he could bark or should I say cough - because that's what his bark sounds like - at the three dumbasses that were ruining a perfectly good sleep, I pulled my pillow into a bear hug and burried my face into it's softness Are you seeing this mum... these are the boys you loved so much I thought as the covers were wripped off of me and thrown on to the floor.

"Get up before they explode" Eli grumbled as he pulled my pillow out of my grip.

"It's to early" I mumbled back.

"Actually it's 10 at night" Xavier said as he calmed down "on Christmas Eve"

"Lissy you know we exchange gifts early" Colton said with a grin while he and jack gripped my legs and Xavier gripped my arms, the three of htem carried me out of my room and down the freezing cold hallway the turneed right then left and half dragged half carried me into Dad's office where we had decerated a tree days before.

"When I said go get your sister I didn't mean this" Dad said from his chair behind his desk "Why don't we get this show on the road" clapping his hands he got up from his seat and made his way over to me with a smile. Letting go of their hold on my arms and legs Colton, Jack and Xavier ran over to the tree with stupid grins on their faces.

"Lissy this is for you" dad mumbled from next to me, he handed me a beautifully wrapped gift before making his way over to the tree to stop Colton from chocking Jack with the tinsle.

"What did you get?" Eli asked quietly he held up a watch to show me what he got.

"I have no clue" I mumbled, unwrapping the thing carfully I opened my mouth to say something only to close it again, my finger danced over the velet box which I gripped a little to tightly as I opened the lid to reveal my mum's old necklace, the small silver tree gleamed back at me like it used to when mum wore it.


"You see Lissy it simblises the Life Tree" Astrid said quietly to a sobbing six year old Lisbeth who had just lost her first pet "Sigyn didn't die in vain sweetheart, she did to help her pup come into this world" smoothing down Lissy's fluffy brown hair Astrid placed a loving kiss on her daughter's forehead.

"But mama Loki - he - he'll" Lisbeth hiccupped and then continued as she pointed over to the mound of blankets that sheltered the pup in question from the cold "he'll never know his mama" she began to sob again which made the small puff of fur in the basket move slightly and whimper.

"Now now my Lisbeth I will look after Loki for Sigyn" Astrid rocked her child and watched the puppy in the basket, Astrid had been told by the VET that had stopped by to deliver it's medicine and milk that the poor thing would not last the night even with the love and help from everyone in the palace.

Feeling a hand clench around her necklace she looked down and smiled softly at Lisbeth who was looking at the silver tree with tired and red puffy eyes "Will she be happy with them mama?" the child asked making Astrid chuckle sweetly.

"Oh every much so, she will miss you though my sweet child" Astrid placed her hand on Lisbeth cheek and whipped away her tears "She will be well looked after, do not fret"

*End of Flash back*

Blinking away a the prickle of unshed tears and looked down at the necklace in my hand and smiled. She knew I would need her guideance somehow she had fore seen that I would need her help and she was willing to give it to me.

"Do you like it?" dad asked quietly with a sad smile on his face.

"Yeah I do" I grinned past my tears and hugged him tighly "thank you dad"

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