Deleted Scene # 2: Epilogue

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Note: The perspective change from Shade to Blitz is deliberate. I wanted to emphasize the difference between them. I switched back to first person in the epilogue because I wanted to show how Blitz had finally come to grips with her identity.


 I walk in the door of A Cut Above, where my journey began many years ago. The same short walkway leading to the bar in the back, booths along either wall. The only change in the bar is in the number of people, and not just boots and cons; organics, cyber-organics, mecha, all manner of people from across the galaxy have come home to Cybertron.

Swerve surveys the place with curiosity. It's not as spacious as his old bar on the Lost Light, but it has a certain rugged charm to it.

"Charming place! So uh, why are we here?"

I rise up to my full height, trying to see above the close-packed frames. "I want you to meet someone; a fellow bartender. If it weren't for him, I might not have joined-."

"Hey, lightweight! Get over here!" A loud call from the back interrupts me. Several pairs of eyes turn towards the voice, and then to me. Muffled chuckles rise from a few of the patrons. Apparently my reputation precedes me.

Swerve looks up at me curiously. "Lightweight?"

I grimace. "You'll find out soon enough..." I start threading between the people to the counter, Swerve close behind. It's slow going but we finally reach it. Swerve stops between two stools, transfixed by the sight of the well-stocked bar. Razorblade sets down the glass he was cleaning and sets his servos on the bar.

"You haven't changed a bit, Razorblade," I greet.

"You have," the silver mech shoots back. "'Bet you've got some stories to tell." He nods at my companion. "Something wrong with your friend there?"

I turn to look at the minibot standing transfixed in front of the bar. "I think he's a little awestruck by-"

"Is that Nightmare Fuel?"

Razorblade glances at the item nonchalantly. "Among other things."

Swerve seems to notice the bartender for the first time, rushing forward to grab his servo and shake it. "Hey there, pleasure to meet you. I'm Swerve, owner of Swerve's."

The bartender looks taken aback for a second. "Razorblade, owner of A Cut Above."

Swerve continues shaking his servo enthusiastically. "Nice place you've got here. Maybe you could share some tips with me."

"We'll see."

The minibot finally lets go and turns to me. "So, how'd he end up helping you out? And why'd he call you lightweight?"

Razorblade's visor narrows in amusement. He gestures to a nearby vacant booth. "Sit down and I'll tell you." He turns to yell at a bright yellow bot on the other side. "Alright, break time's over! Get back here and serve for once in your life." He poured three glasses of engex and joined Serve and me, handing one to the minibot and holding another out to me, visor bright.

"Think you can handle it this time?"

I level a hard stare at him and accepted the glass. "I'll need it to get through the next five kliks."

Swerve downs some of his own and set it aside. "Alright, so what happened the last time Blitzy was here?"

Razorblade lifts an optical ridge, casting a sidelong glance at me. "So you do have a name. Could've fooled me." I roll my optics as he turns his attention back to the minibot.

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