Deleted Scene #1: Rodimus Finds Out

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This scene takes place during the events of MTMTE Issue # 44

"What game do you think you're playing? Who are you? Why are you on my ship?"

  The femme flinched under the co-captain's wrath. "I told you, my name is Blitz! I joined the Lost Light for a fresh start!"

  Rodimus towered over me, servos on hips, derma pressed into a hard line, optics blazing. "How do I know you're not another Decepticon spy? Or one of Prowl's agents?"

  Chromedome reached out and grasped his shoulder. "Rodimus, I've seen enough shady bots in my time to spot a liar when I see one. She's telling the truth."

  The co-captain shrugged off Chromedome's servo. "Then why is there no record of her? No statue or monument? The only Blitz in Cybertron's history was a minicon!"

  Rung spoke up; "Rodimus, please. Shouting at her will not help the situation. She's clearly just as confused as the rest of us."

  The flame-red mech pinched the bridge of his nose, looking like he wanted to punch something. He finally blew a sigh. "Fine. Magnus, secure her. Find out what you can."

"Where are you going?" Ultra Magnus asked as Rodimus turned and headed for the exit.

"To have another chat with the Necrobot."


  Blitz sat with her back to the wall, helm buried in her arms. Ultra Magnus stood guard outside the door of the room she'd been confined to. The Necrobot, Censere, had graciously offered his place as a holding facility in lieu of the Rod Pod. Endless questions flooded through her processor, scrambling her capacity for rational thinking. Why don't I officially exist? What happened to me? Who am I?

  Pedesteps outside the door caused her head to shoot up. She discerned the voices of Rodimus and the Necrobot.

"What are you saying?"

"Her spark signature is consistent with that of a femme named Shade."

  A brief silence followed.

"I don't get it. Blitz looks nothing like her."

"It's possible that Shade visited a relinquishment clinic before she left Cybertron."

"So she was lying to us. I knew it!"

"Did your crew not say she appeared to be telling the truth?"

"Yes but-" the objection cut off abruptly.  Rodimus sighed. "What else have you got?"

"She was recruited into Prowl's division during the war. Served for about two million years until the end of the war and then went missing three deca-cycles later."

  Blitz scowled. What were they talking about? She'd never even met Prowl. And who was Shade?

  She winced and clutched her helm as a sharp pain spiked through it. Green text floated up in her vision as the pain ebbed away. M E S S A G E  A V A I L A B L E.  P L A Y  N O W?

  What? Blitz stared at the letters, utterly confused. She glanced at the door where the two mechs were conversing. Did this have to do with...? She growled and buried her helm in her servos. Nothing made sense! She wanted answers and all she was getting were accusations and more questions. She vented, closing her optics. Maybe this message held the key. Maybe it could tell her who she was.

"Play message," she said softly. The text winked out, and an image of a bot who was the spitting image of herself appeared. Blitz frowned, perplexed. She didn't remember leaving herself a video clip. She shoved her thoughts aside when the femme in the video began speaking.

  If you're viewing this message, then you've either uncovered or are close to uncovering the truth of who you were. Who I was. I know this is kind of surreal for you but please, bear with me. Hopefully, everything will make sense for you shortly.

  My name is Shade, but it wasn't always. I was a N.A.I.L. during the early days of the war, living on the streets, stealing what I could to survive. When I couldn't find anything one night, I got desperate; tried to steal from a high-ranking Autobot officer named Prowl. I didn't know who he was at the time or I would've picked an easier target.

  I was sure there was some harsh penalty waiting for me, but he gave me a choice: spend some time in jail and go back to the streets or put my skills to good use and become an Autobot spy. You can probably guess what I chose. Throughout my career, I saw the dark side of the Decepticons and Autobots alike. I wanted to leave, but doing so during the war would make me a deserter. So I planned and waited for the day the war ended. It's about two megacycles since the end of the war now. I've finally changed my alt mode and paint job, and I'm about to erase all of my memories. It's extreme, I know. But I can't give Prowl a chance to recruit me again.

  So now that you know the truth, what happens next is up to you. You can tell those you trust about this, keep it to yourself and give them another story, whatever. I only ask that you don't let this knowledge get back to Prowl. Stay away from him; he will use you to get what he wants. There's a reason half of Cybertron wants to punch him in the face. Several, in fact.

  Before I finish, I want to leave you with something; my original designation: BL-172. I hope it will convince you if nothing else does. Shade out.

  The message ended, the frame freezing on the femme's face. Her face. That was herself in the video; her voice, her frame.


  Blitz snapped back to the present, finding Rodimus staring at her strangely, flanked by the Necrobot and Ultra Magnus. The co-captain planted his hands on his hips, studying her with narrowed optics.

"What do you have to say for yourself, Shade?"

  Censere placed a restraining servo on the co-captain's shoulder. Blitz focused on her servos, more confused than ever. She had to tell them. It was the only way she could figure this thing out and end all the suspicion and accusation. She tilted her helm up to look Rodimus in the optics.

 "Is it possible to retrieve a message from someone's processor?"

  Rodimus looked nonplussed. The Necrobot frowned. "With Rewind's help, we may be able to. Why do you ask?"

The femme blew out a long vent. "I think...I think I just found out who I am. Who I really am."


This scene is a lot longer than I thought it'd be, but it's finally done! Huzzah! It takes place during the LL crew's first visit to Necroworld.

I'm debating whether or not to post the other deleted scene or just scrap it. It's a little epilogue, where Shade/Blitz visits the bar where she met Razorblade with Swerve. Maybe I'll post what I have and let you all decide.



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