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Sasuke sat in the tree waiting for her to arrive. The boy had sped through the streets of the village after leaving the Academy just so he wouldn't miss her. For the past three weeks Sasuke had been rushing out of the Academy every day to go to the waterfall just out the ourskirts of the woods. He knew he would be missing dinner time again this night but even if it was only for a few moments, he wanted to see her.

As if she had known he was waiting for her, she appeared. Her hair whipped back in the breeze as she made her way to the edge of the waterfall. Her side profile always amazed him. She was as beautiful as he could remember. Sasuke never in his life thought that he'd one day develop a crush. His brother had told him that one day he'd understand why girls had crushes and he's one day get a crush as well.

He didn't believe Itachi at that time but who knew it would happen so soon. He just had to crush on someone who didn't even know who he was. If she knew he had been watching her for the past three weeks she'd think he was a stalker. He really wasn't. . .he just admired her stubbornness and hard working nature to get stronger.

Sasuke watched as the girl pulled off her coat to reveal a kimono underneath. He was surprised to see the girl in a kimono and not her training gear. This place was her training ground which she'd been using for a while he presumed.

Why was she wearing a kimono? Was she not going to train today?

The boy sat up, staring down with curiousity. The girl pulled a blanket out of her bag and she placed a basket on it. She looked like she was about to have a picnic. Sasuke bit his lip, averting his gaze when the girl sat down. She opened the basket revealing the food inside.

“Will you stay cooped up in that tree or are you gonna join me?”.

Sasuke's body tensed and froze up when those words left her lips. He looked around in case she had meant someone else but when he looked back her pale lavender eyes were looking up at him. The Byakugan user had already known of his presence. Sasuke should have known the girl would sense he was here, she wasn't stupid.

Thr young boy chuckled, pulling himself up to jump down. He stumbled a bit when he landed on his feet but be steadied himself. “Uh, I was just. . .I. . .”, he was desperately trying to think of an excuse to make but nothing was coming out.

The Hyuuga girl chuckled, holding her hand up. “I know you've been watching me train for the past three weeks.”.
Sasuke blushed embarrassed that the girl had known. “How long?”

The girl thought about it for a second snd answered, “Three week now.”

“So, you've known from the very beginning?” he asked her and she nodded. “These eyes would be pretty useless if I couldn't sense or see you.”
The Byakugan user pushed the food basket to the boy. “I made food and desserts for us to enjoy. I'm guessing you haven't had dinner, yet?”

Sasuke shook his head. He was supposed to be eating his dinner at home but he couldn't squander this once in a lifetime opportunity to spend time with her.
When will he have another chance like this?

“Help yourself.”

Sasuke nodded and he took out the food from the bag. He placed the containers on the blanket and opened it. It looked absolutely delicious and quiet spicy. He noticed the small cut tomatoes in one of the containers and he wondered if she had known he had a tomato obsession.

He started to eat and the girl joined in after him. The food was way better than he expected it to be. From what most of cousins have said was that most kunoichis don't know how to cook but this girl just proved them all wrong. No matter how strong a woman was, if didn't mean she didn't have any other redeeming qualities.

After they finished eating the girl said her goodbues and they separated. Sasuke didn't know if thst meant he could return the following day since she didn't look like she had any objections to him being there.

Luckily, he found out the next day when the girl turned up a few hours later. She had her gear on and she got ready to train. And unlike Sasuke's usual spot in the tree he was now leaning against it, watching her. After training the two would eat and be on their way again..

Sauske didn't realise that he actually quite liked being in the girl's presence. She gave off such a calm and relaxing vibe. The atmosphere around them was soft and delicate. Something that he did not get much of late.

That had become their routine. She'd arrive just after him and after training they'd eat, enjoy the silenceethat enveloped them and be on their separate ways. It was around the beginning of the new week when the two had started conversations. It started from small things like errands to Sasuke actually tell the girl one day of her brother and sisters.

The girl had listened attentively to every word she was saying. It was one later that same night that Sasuke realised he had not know the girl's name.

He asked her just as she had been about to leave. “What is your name?”

“Hinami. Hyuuga Hinami.” She bowed her head and left, leaving the boy in his own daze.

“Hinami,” her name left his lips causing a smile to form. He knew it then and there that he was falling. He was crushing on her real bad.

Hinami had quite liked his visitations. His aura and presence made her training feel less lonely. Even though he never said much, him just watching her made her forget everything that had been happening at home.

He had showed uo every day to watch her, observe her. She had first believed him to be a stalker but luckily he wasn't or she had hope he wasn't.

After she had broken the ice by acknowledging that things chnaged. The two enjoyed being in each other's presence more than did cared to admit. The boy she knew to be Uchiha Sasuke who was only a year younger than she was.

Everyday she looked forward to when she'd be able to sneak out to her training ground. It was until one day he stopped coming completely. She had only later found out about what happened to the Uchiha clan.

They'd all been wiped out by none other than Uchiha Itachi, his brother.

Sasuke had been in tbe hospital most of the time and she waited for him. Hoping that he'd at least once remember or acknowledge her again.

But unfortunately he never did.

He had completely forgotten about her when he had been consumed by revenge and hate.

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