It Was Over

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3rd person POV

"Mark" The voice woke the sleeping boy from his dreams as he stir his eyes open after blinking a few time.

"What is it?" He replied in a sleepy voice while rubbing his eyes before he turn to face his friends who were standing on his bed side fully dressed and ready to move out. He looked at them annoyingly then turn back around covering himself with the blanket to sleep again but the peace was short lived as Fuse grabbed the blanket and pulled it off the sleeping figure making him sit up angrily and glare at his friend.

"What do you mean what is it?" He spoke irritation visible in his voice "It's 8am; lets go get breakfast so we can start enjoying the trip"

Mark heaved a sigh before pulling the blanket back up on himself and laying down "I am not going, you two go and enjoy. I am sleepy" He spoke before finally closing his eyes again.

"How can you still be sleepy?" asked Kamphan who was silently observing the argument between his two friends until now "You even slept early last night" he added but all his words fell on deaf ears earning him silence in response.

'Like hell I did' Mark sarcastically thought to himself remembering how he could not sleep much last night due to his own stupid feelings again. He was sad, he was devastated and didn't know why he was acting like that.

Fuse and Kamphan shared a concerned look before they decided to leave the boy alone as they exist the room. This was not the first time they have witnessed their friend acting like this so they knew leaving him be when he asks for it was the best solution they had for situations like this. Mark sighed again once he heard the door behind him close and he sat back up as all the sleep he had before was thrown out of the window and he was wide awake now but going out and risking the chance to meet the older was not a choice to him So after looking around the room, thinking what to do he just lay back down once he found nothing to do other then laying there and staring at the beach that could clearly be seen through the window of his hotel room.

Mark flinched and turned around to pick up the phone from the side table that had suddenly started ringing. He frowned looking at the caller ID but still pressed the green button to pick it up.

"What is it now?" He asked as if annoyed.

[Why are you eating me so early in the morning, if you are this hungry just go and eat breakfast?] Spoke James on the other side making the listener even more annoyed.

"Shut up and just say what you want?"

[Why are you skipping meals, did something happen?] James said in a concerned voice [Fuse said you didn't eat dinner and now you won't have breakfast] He added clearing his statement

"What are those two? your spies? and what are you my mother?" Mark scoffed at his own words.

[Well I sure feel like your mother when I have to be concern about your food] James laughed knowing how annoyed Mark was at his words [So may I know why my baby is not eating?] He added laughing even louder.

"I am hanging up?" Mark said annoyingly before pulling the phone away from his ear and pressing the red button to end the call while cursing his friend. He know the other boy was just worried and trying to care for him but he also hated that, others saying that they understand was not enough cause they actually can not understand. No bystander, in this case his friends could ever understand these feelings of numbness that he felt. At first he was guilty towards his friend but after sometime their concern started making him feel annoyed.

'I don't care, I don't give a damn just leave me alone.' He thought himself the words that he wanted to say to anyone who would come to him with concern at this point. He was hurting and even he didn't know why he was still hurting which made him worse. The boy was still in his own world with the phone still in his hands which were placed on his lap and it buzzed again bringing him back from his trance as he looked at the screen and regardless of what he just thought his lips stretched into a little smile after reading the message he had received.

[My brain is already useless so eating it won't be nutritious, you better go eat proper food with others]

"Idiot" He murmured to himself but still stood up and changed into a decent pair of cloth and went outside the room.

'It was over long ago, I don't need to think about it' Mark convinced himself one more time before walking into the restaurant which his friend told him about, he looked around to find the two boy which he did and walked over sitting with them with his usual smile back on his face.

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