Chapter o07

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I pulled my Prius up to the front of the large condominium complex, a valet immediately came to my door and opened it for me, and before I could thank him I see David, Reuben’s driver/bodyguard, standing at the entrance. I took in a deep breath, and tipped the valet as I made my towards the double doors of the Wilshire.

“Evening, Ms. Jones.” 

David tipped his hat at me before opening the entrance doors, “Mr. Michaelson has been anxiously awaiting your arrival.” 

I nodded my head and walked on into the luxuriously decorated foyer; David escorted me through the busy lobby and towards the back doubled doors of what seemed to be the staff restricted area of the floor.

“Personal elevator?” I asked with a smirk on my face, David turned and looked at me before nodding his head. “Of course, why does that not shock me?” I giggled lowly.

“Mr. Michaelson is a very high profile man, whom wishes to lead a low profile lifestyle, Ms. Jones.” 

Shit, I could not tell, especially how bold he has been acting lately with me. Swatting me on the ass in a full elevator, embracing me in front of all the members at the BHCC… I didn’t know what it was about me, but I think I bring out a different side of him that many are not use to. David lead me past a few women busy with folding and ironing linens, before stopping at a golden trimmed elevator where he inserts a key to make it open.

“Ms. Jones.” He stepped aside so I could board the car; I gulped a bit before stepping in, David followed suit then punched in a code on the wall. I stood there enthusiastically waiting to see Reuben, sprung much?
There was a silence in between, a bit awkward for me but probably comfortable for David; no telling how many women he has had to escort up to his boss, I was probably the twentieth bitch he’s been with year. I fidgeted with the chain dangling from around my neck, waiting for the car to stop on the chosen floor; I examined this luxurious room that was mediocrely called an elevator. 

The walls were a dark cherry wood, with two large golden trimmed mirrors that hung on the opposite walls; the floor was marbled and on the interior doors the letters “R.M.” were inscribed on them. Crazy.

My attention was stolen when I heard a phone go off, it was David’s, whom stood directly in front of me standing statuesque like; he stood there emotionless, his hands clasped together in front of him, resting professionally against his abdomen, I took notice to the dog tags that he wore around his neck, I wonder how long he served.

“Sir?” He answered via bluetooth that hung snugly in his right ear, I knew it Reuben. The two conversed back for a moment, before the elevator car came to a slow stop; the butterflies in my stomach picked up speed and I noticed I was beginning to fidget a bit more as well. 

“As wish, sir. Goodbye.” David took his access key from his pocket once again and swiped into the wall’s slot. “Ms. Jones, so that you’ll know, Mr. Michaelson is in the middle of important phone conference and will be joining you shortly in the parlor.”

I nodded my head as the elevator’s doors came open, and my eyes bulged as my mouth dropped; the sound of John Coltrane’s ‘My Favorite Things’ played on the condo’s sound system, making it sound as if I were in a concert. 

“Welcome to the home of Mr. Michaelson,” David turned and spoke to me as he allowed me to surpass him on the elevator and into the foyer of the luxurious home. 

“Please allow me to show to the parlor, Ms. Jones.” He led me past the huge grand piano and down a hallway; the walls were decorated beautifully with modern abstract art.

“Is this a real Picasso?” I stopped and asked in amazement.

David stopped and looked at the painting for a second.

“Oh yes, Mr. Michaelson bid nearly a million dollars for it, it’s one of his favorite pieces of art.” David smiled fondly, “he has quite an eye for such things, are you an art fan as well?”

I smiled and nodded my head. “I love art, especially African art.”

David gave me another smile and nodded his head:

“Yes, very beautiful works… My ex-wife is quite the collector of African art.” I smiled and began to walk as he continued to walk down the hall. “She’s an art history professor at a university in New Jersey.”

“That’s awesome, I use to major in Art history when I was going to college—“ 

I stopped abruptly when we entered a well lit room that was filled with expensive white furniture; I was scared to enter… Do I need to sign an insurance waiver before I sit my ass anywhere… I don’t want to break or damage shit.

“Please have a seat, once Mr. Michaelson is done with his conference he will join.” 

I nodded my head and swiftly made his exit out of the room; my eyes scanned the room and I settled in having a seat on a couch in front of a huge fireplace, I eased my ass slowly onto it then pulled out my phone as I got a text from my mommy:

Chinese buffet lunch date 2morrow?

I giggled, I needed some major mommy time and that would give me a chance to possibly tell her about all of the shit that is going on with me… i.e. the fact I am romantically connected to one of America’s most success and richest men.

U got it beautiful

I responded back then placed my phone back into my purse. Should I feel so guilty about not telling anyone about my adventurous personal life? I shared every aspect of my life with my mother and my friends, I had no secrets and now I hid everything from everyone. Scratching at my scalp, I took in a deep breath as my body laxed against the comfy cushion of the expensive white satin couch; I wonder how this conversation with Reuben go.

Was he still angry about all the lengths I have gone through to avoid him?

Did he lure me here just to fuck my body into oblivion?

There were so many questions I could sit here and ask myself, but nothing would calm the butterflies until he arrives and we get through this meeting. I glanced around the room as the track on the sound system changed to Nina Simone’s smooth rendition of ‘Here Comes the Sun’, I smiled and sang along; one of my personal favorite Beatle songs.

“Here comes the sun, little darling, here comes the sun and I’ll say… It’s alright.” 

I closed my eyes and rocked my legs to the rhythm, feeling the butterflies slowly drift away from me and fly lazily over head to the soothing sound of Nina’s raspy tone. Still in my zone, I didn’t hear anyone come into the room, until I heard a throat clear and my eyes shot opened to an amused Reuben leaning at the room’s doorway.

“Embarrassing.” My subconscious giggled as I felt my face burn in humiliation, ‘now he done heard your tone deaf ass, now he really done with you.”

“Suck your mama’s dick.” I sniped back. This bitch is truly has no manners.

Reuben clapped his hands in applause as he stepped into the room, moving in closer and closer to me.

“You’re not funny.” I folded my arms, knowing he was trying to be funny.

“On the offense already, honey?” He chuckled as he stopped right dead in front of me, looking mighty fine in his casual, yet business-like attire. “I enjoyed your performance, Ms. Simone would be impressed.” He grabbed my hand and kissed it lightly, causing me to smile at him. “There it is the smile that’ll give a blind man sight.”

“So corny.” I giggled causing Reuben to snicker lightly; he pulled me up off of the couch then wrapped his arms around me, giving the sweetest embrace. I wrapped my arms around his neck, giving him the same greeting. He smelled of manly heaven, the scent of citrus and musk wafted into my nose; titillating my senses. “Mmm…”

We both released one another from each other’s arms; Reuben placed a kiss to my forehead before saying:

“I’m glad you called me, honey… I thought you go back to avoiding me.” 

I sighed and raised my eyebrows as I took heed in knowing I was planning on doing that in the first place, but that would be immature of me to do so… So, here I am.

“Well, we have a lot to discuss… For one… What the hell—“

“Toot, toot…” He warned me, I gave him a look. “You were cursing.”

“Hell is not a curse word, it’s a place!” I defended my stance, he chuckle and nodded his head.

“Yes it is a place, and you are only to address it in that manner as well while you are in my presence.” He walked off to his fireplace grabbed a snifter and poured himself a drink of Brandy. “Forgive my rudeness, honey—you care to join me for a drink?” He turned shaking the bottle expensive liqueur.

“No thanks, I don’t drink brown liquor.” 

Shit was gross.

Reuben shrugged his shoulders, finished pouring his drink, then returned to the couch. 

“Perhaps a glass of wine, then?” I shook my head. “Honey, all I am trying to be is a good host.” He chuckled at my resilience to all his offers.

“I think you trying to get me all liquored up before we get to talking, not going to work boo-boo.” I smirked as I turned and looked at him; he cracked a smirk then shrugged his shoulders.

“Actually, I enjoy my company un-inebriated… Or sober as some like to say, Maia-honey.” 

“Why do you call me that?”

“Call you what?” He said as he took another light sip from his snifter.

“Honey? You have called me that since the first time we have met… Why?”

“Your skin, it’s the color of honey… The touch of your skin is smooth, just like honey… and the nectar the brew from in between your legs, is sultry, thick and sweet like honey… You are my honey.” 

Whoop there it is!

I quickly closed my mouth when I felt it go ajar, and resettled in my seat, feeling my body slid off towards the floor; Reuben smiled as he placed the glass back to his lips.

“I’ll take that wine now.” I murmured lowly.

“Figured you would.” 

He stood to his feet and walked over to the wall and pressed a button.

“Good Evening, Mr. Michaelson.”

“Evening, Ingrid, please bring a bottle of white wine and two glasses to parlor.” I sighed and rubbed my temples, is it bad that little honey analogy thing made me horny as hell? I mean heck—Damn it! “My dear Maia, you are so tense.” 

I opened my eyes glaring at him; he gave me another smile before returning to the couch.

“Reuben… What is all of this, huh?” I asked exasperated by all that was going on. What do you want from me?!”

“Like I told you, I want you… Every little bit of you, honey. Why is that so hard for you to understand?” I eyed him then pulled out a fold paper out my purse and tossed it at him. “What is this?”

“You and some of your exes… Name one bitch I look like on there.” 

Bitch did some research finally, this fool was linked to more hoes than Wilt Chamberlin; okay I’m being overdramatic and shit but still… I know when I’m about to be played and refused to be a fool… I don’t care if he got more money than Oprah; I am no one’s fool.

Reuben eyed the paper in amusement then looked at me before laughing.

“Oh honey… This is too comical.”

I know this motherfucker isn’t laughing at me, I am beyond pissed now.

“This is so cute, you are jealous.”

“You wish, it’s called being cautious. boo!” I said jumping to my feet; Reuben just continued to laugh as he walked towards me. “No, no, no—“ I pushed his hands away as he tried to touch me. “Reuben, I am being serious right now! You blow through women like toilet paper, and white women at that! You telling me this black, ghetto chick is changing you from your playboy ways? Give me a break, I’m not dumb.”

“My dear Maia, you are getting all worked up over nothing! You don’t know the circumstances of my relationships with these women nor do you know what kind of people they were.” I rolled my eyes. “Yes, I’ll admit, the color brown is not seen on my arm frequently… It doesn’t mean that I am ashamed of it or dislike it… I love all women, and I see something in you that I have never seen in another woman I’ve been linked to.”

I folded my arms and just glare at him.

“Oh yea? What is that Reuben?”

“Authenticity.” He said peering deep into my eyes; I felt the icy shell I began to wear start to melt. But all was interrupted when older woman with short fading-blonde hair with pale skin wearing a chef’s uniform came into the room pushing a pram containing a bucket of ice, chilling an expensive bottle of white wine, two wine glasses and platter of cheeses and fruit.

“Your refreshments, Mr. Michaelson.” 

She greeted us with smile, Reuben cleared his throat, snapping himself in reality; I did the same, but I reached for my purse once I finally realized what was going on.

“Would you like anything else, sir?” She asked as stood with her hands behind her back, but before I gave him a chance to answer her, I cut in:

“You know, it’s getting rather late and I have to drive all the way to Inglewood… I should be going.” 

I started out the room, when I felt the back of my tights being pulled, causing me to halt. I looked to Reuben; he had fire in his eyes.

“That is all, Ingrid, thank you.” She looked at me, giving me a nervous grin then nodded to her boss before making her exit. “Running? Is that all you know how to do, Maia?”

“Reuben, it’s late and I have to go home…”

“The only place you are going tonight is my bedroom, honey.”

I stared at him like he had two heads, the humor in his face now gone; he was dead serious, he was not going to let me leave.

“This is kidnapping!” I whimpered, a smile slowly formed on his lips.

“Oh how I’d love to cuff you to my bed, baby…” He murmured while moving my body closer to his, ‘you lying there… begging me for your release…” He breathed into my neck as his large hands cascaded down my back and to my ass, cupping my cheeks in them. I let out a light cry of passion, ‘you want me as much as I want you, honey.”

“Ah yes…” I whined while gripping the back of his neck, tugging at his hair. “Yes, yes…”

Reuben chuckled into my ear, releasing me.

“But first, we shall have this wine then discuss our relationship… Then you shall be my desert.” He bit into a dried date, sensually. “You taste better, you know?” He winked at me as he begin to crack the bottle of wine open.

“You live to torture me, don’t you?” I growl, he smiles to himself before turning to me.

“I just want you to admit you’re feelings, honey—You love this just as much as I do.” 

I looked away as he begins to pour the first glass of wine, ‘toot, toot… never lower your head to me.” He touched my face then placed a kiss to my lips, I kiss him back, but he pulls back before it deepens. 

“Drink up, my honey.” He smiled as he handed me the glass. I smiled and took it into my grasp. “Try the brie; it goes wonderfully with the wine.” He spread the cream, white cheese on a cracker and fed it to me. “Now drink…” I did what he asked and it was like a bit of heaven in my mouth.

“Mmm… Good.” I chewed with my mouth open, causing Reuben to laugh. “I am so terrible, my mom would kill me.” I giggled.

“It’s cute.” He chuckled as he kissed my lips once again. “Want another?” I nodded my head, and he repeated the process of feeding me.
His hand gripped a fist full of my hair securely as the other nipped and pulled at the stiffening nub on my breast; I let out a loud, shivering scream as he rocked my body continuously, stroking in and out of my tightness. He grazed my spot over and over again; filling me up fully to the point I felt him in the depths of my stomach. Sending signals of pain and pleasure in lightening like intervals throughout my entire body.

“You are mine.” He rasped into my ear, letting go of my hair then placing his hand lightly on my neck, chocking me slightly. “You are mine, honey.” I gasped as he slowed his paced, twirling his hips into mine.

“Yours.” I repeated in understanding.

Reuben bit the softness of my skin under my ear, causing me to clinch the pillows in front of me; he grinded himself deep into me, swirling around and around, the bulging vein of his large piece slithered across every spot of my walls, causing my breath to hitch and my body to tremble.

“Oh fuck! Oh my fuck—Shit!”

Every other word that came from my mouth was curse world, and every time one dropped, Reuben rammed himself deeper in or smacked me across the ass; I was at the brink of my climax when he pulled away from me and climbed off of the bed.

“What the—“ I fumed as I turned my head back at him, he had an evil smirk on his face.

“I think it’s a good time to discuss our relationship further, honey.”

Is he freaking kidding me?!

He’s going to deny me a fucking orgasm so I can agree to be his girlfriend?!

Well played.

“Reuben!” I whined as I rolled over to my side, causing him to chuckle. “Please… Baby, please…”

“Oh your begging is so fucking beautiful to hear, honey—but this has to be done now.” I was lightheaded and my pussy was throbbing for him to finish, I reached down to touch myself but Reuben snatched my hand. “Toot, toot.”

“Are you serious?! You won’t get me off and you won’t let me finish what the hell you got started?!”

That’s some bullshit.

“My dear Maia, I can get you off more ways than one, but you are too stubborn to talk to when you are level headed, so you gave me no choice but to fuck you into submission.” My eyes grew big. “I want you, Maia… I want a relationship with you, more than just fucking of course; I want you all to myself; is that too much for me to ask?”

“Right now? Yes!” I fucking horny and pissed off, ‘you’re going about this all wrong!” I sat up, and was about to fling my legs over the side of the large bed, but Reuben caught my leg and threw my body back on to the bed. “Reuben—Shiiitttt!”

He penned my arms down to the bed, and my legs down with his knees as he rammed harshly back into my wet sensitivity; I balled my hands into a fist, digging my nails into the palms of my hands; I knew I had drew blood from them . Reuben grunted starkly as he pummeled himself deeper and deeper into my walls, forcing the space around to adjust and contract around him—Pulling and sucking further and further in.

“Oh God, oh fuck!” I felt like I was going to hyperventilate.

“Why fight this?” He seemed to groan out, as he continued to punish me. “I can give you everything a man can give a woman… affection, romance, stability… everything, honey.”

I closed my eyes as I felt the pit of my stomach began to flutter, and warming, prickly sensation gradually overtook my entire body. My senses heighten and my head began to swoon, I was on the verge of cumming once again.

“Reuben!” I gasped as my breathing became more and more labored and heart began to skip beats.

“Say you’ll be mine, Maia.” He placed his hand on my throat, as he lowered his head, taking my erect nipple into his mouth. I was speaking incoherently and in tongues, he was truly taking me over the edge.

“Say it, honey—“

“YES, YES, YES…” My body clenches and releases within a matter of seconds. “YASSSS!!!!”

“Go to sleep, Love.” 

And on his command, my eyes drew heavy and I fell into a deep, orgasm driven night’s sleep. As of that moment, I was billionaire Reuben Michaelson’s girlfriend, and I did not mind at all.

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