Chapter 1

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Present Day

Katsuya wakes with a start, noticing the light peeking through the gaps in the blinds. He stands up and pulls his curtains apart, facing onto the ocean that surrounds them from all sides. He's been afraid of islands ever since he entered a tournament called Duelist Kingdom in his university years, which was hosted on an island. It was supposed to be a time of self-discovery and improvement on both his duelling skills and mental health. What ensued was a battle of life and death.

You would think that someone so terrified of islands wouldn't become a schoolteacher on the most elusive island in the Pacific, but the opportunity was too good to be true. The twenty-four year old saw the opening online during the previous summer holidays and applied, never expecting to actually get the job! I was only when he arrived on the island that he learned about the history of the school, to his abject horror.

How cruel and twisted of fate to bind him in a contract teaching at the school owned by his ex boyfriend!

The sudden loud whirring of helicopter blades in the distance sparks the beginning of his morning routine. 


Seto Kaiba steps off the helicopter, observing the island he owns and the school so tall it stretches to the heavens - Duel Academy. No, the name wasn't his idea.

Most of the students are milling around the schoolyard, completely unaware of their visitor. Helicopters must be a usual occurrence here, perhaps he should have flown in on the Blue-Eyes jet. At least that would have added a touch of dramatic flair.

He makes his way into the Chancellor's office, intending to get in an out as quickly as possible, and go back to KaibaCorp HQ in New York. He doesn't much like the school, but his reason for creating it was simple. His entire life, he's been fascinated by the growing development of Japanese culture and technology in the West and now, KaibaCorp acts as the main catalyst for advancements in games design, technological advancements and space travel. If it's innovative, KaibaCorp is involved.

"Mr Kaiba, How wonderful to see you again!" announces the chancellor in his monochromatic voice. Seto has a monotone voice but compared to the chancellor, he's as emotional as a hormonal teenaged girl.

The chancellor's hand rests on his shoulder and instinctively, Seto flinches and pushes him away. He hasn't been touched in a good way since Joey, barely touched at all really. If just anyone touches him, the essence of Joey will wash away forever. Seto doesn't want to forget feeling loved.

"Sorry, Mr Kaiba, I didn't mean to-"

"It's fine," he snaps, refusing to make eye contact. Seto sits opposite the chancellor, on the other side of the large white desk. This room is a white, cold void. Seto should feel at home, but he shivers, lost to the wills of this building. "But there better be a good reason you called me out here. I'm a busy man,"

Duel Academy wasn't a project Seto was very enthusiastic about at the start, his fondness for it hasn't grown. Over the past eight years, professional Duel Minsters players have become as commonplace as professional athletes or sportspeople, participating in tournaments for victories that become more glorious with every differing league. Seto loves that and of course, he capitalised on it by creating the first school specialising in training future pro-duellists.

It turned out to be a mess of bureaucracy that he was glad to finish and move on from. He'd sell the entire island if it wouldn't lower KaibaCorp stock value considerably. So for now, he's stuck dealing with a problem in a school he wishes he'd never created. That's not true - he just wishes he'd delegated someone else to oversee it.

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