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" No nanny, it wasn't a slap. I hit my head " Kalthum lied hoping that she would believe her.

" Stop lying, "Basma's annoying voice said

Kalthum glared at her " I wasn't even talking to you"

Nanny faced Basma " Basma can you please take this to the kitchen? I need to have a word with your sister " She took the polythene bag from Kalthum's hand and handed it over to Basma.

" Ok ma," said Basma solemnly as she took the bag

" Thank you," said umm Rasheed

Basma shot her a smile " Thank you so much Nanny for always taking good care of my sister. I know she is a lot to handle but thanks anyway" In her mind, she was burning in rage.

Umm, Rasheed smiled at her thinking that she cared so much for Kalthum " You have absolutely nothing to thank me for. You and your sister, including the other maids, matter to me. You all are my responsibility and I must care for all of you"

" I know ma but thanks anyways, " Basma said with a smile then took her leave.

Kalthum could only raise a brow at her. Only Allah knows what game she was playing.

Umm, Rasheed faced Kalthum " Your sister does care about you. That's how a big sister should always behave "

Does Basma care?? Kalthum snorts mentally

" yes she does" she replied to umm Rasheed with a fake smile. I wish you know what she is capable of, she thought bitterly.

" so... Now can you tell me who slapped you? "

And here she thought the matter was over.

" and don't even try denying it " umm rasheed threatened

Kalthum heaved a sigh "It's hajiya"

" I knew it! Why? How? I don't understand why she would do that to you for Allah's sake! I need to report to Faisal!"

Kalthum's eyes widen " No!  Please don't do that! It's in the past now. Please don't tell Sir Faisal "

" I have to tell him Kalthum. She has been doing this for a very long time and he is the only one capable of putting her in her place"

" What you don't know is that he is the only person she fears most in this house. She loves him the most and wouldn't want him to get angry with her"

This is getting out of hand, Kalthum thought. Umm Rasheed was just making a fuss about nothing

"Please listen to me, Nanny. You won't tell anyone, promise me. It's just a mere slap and I've already forgotten about it "

" No dear, if we don't do something about it now, this habit of hers won't stop"

" Nanny please just let her be, she is the boss after all and she has the right to do anything she wishes "

Umm Rasheed became speechless "So you mean you'd prefer to endure this till she breaks you"

Kalthum shook her head and smiled" No one is breaking anybody. I'm not a glass that she will just break" she teased

" Kalthum -

" No nanny, it's my fault. I made the mistake so I had to face the consequences. Promise me you won't tell sir Faisal "

" I don't want to see you all in pain dear"

" Just promise me, Nanny, you won't tell Sir Faisal "

Umm, Rasheed released a breath " I don't want to do this but fine. I promise I won't tell him"

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