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I promise to reply to all the previous comments very soon. I'm very very lazy wallahi 😀 🙏🙏🙏❤❤😊😊 I hope you all enjoyed the Sallah meat I gave you. Anyway, here is an addition, and make sure you give me your feedback 😂😂😜❤❤❤

Faisal sauntered downstairs needing a hot cup of coffee. He had been working for hours now in his room and sleep was starting to take over so to drive the sleep, he needed a cup of coffee. He walked to the kitchen where he saw Umm Rasheed and some other maids arranging the plates.

He sat on a stool close to the refrigerator when he entered. Umm Rasheed gave him a once over then turned back to what she was doing. Lately, that has been what is going on between Faisal and Umm Rasheed. She avoided him like a plague.

" I need a cup of coffee Nanny, please," he said trying to get her attention back.

The other maids scrabbled out of the kitchen quickly leaving the two behind. Umm, Rasheed didn't answer, instead, she continued what she was doing.

Faisal sighed "Please Umm Rasheed talk to me"

She dropped the plate in her hand in anger which then made a loud sound " If you want coffee then get it yourself " she snapped

" But you always make the best cup of coffee" he tried to lightning her mood

She shot him a hard glare " Your tactics will never work on me, Faisal. You've broken whatever relationship I had with you the moment you drove that innocent girl out of this house "

He groaned and then rubbed his face " Not this topic again "

She shook her head at him " You've changed. This isn't you Faisal. Why are you behaving like someone who has no common sense? Does kalthum love mean nothing to you? "

He stood up and then paced around the kitchen " Of course Nanny I loved her. You of all people should know that. Wallahi I loved her fisabilillah. She is the only woman who has ever captured my heart and it hurt to see that she betrayed me "

" You keep on talking about betrayal when the real person that betrays the other in this relationship is you. You were the one that betrayed her love for you. You drove her like she was a dog." She sniffled softly

" It hurts me a lot, son. I didn't raise you to be like this. Why in the world did you make a rash decision? Why didn't you even listen to her side? I taught you better "

Faisal heaved a sigh. He hates seeing Umm Rasheed in tears

" You don't need to pretend as if you aren't disturbed by her absence in this house. I know something in you is scolding you but why are you trying to lock that side off? Look at you, you've become so thin due to all the late-night work Faisal. You decided to use your work as leverage acting like you don't regret what you did " She wiped her tears

"Why did you do this Faisal? Why? "

" I got jealous OK! I got jealous" his breathing became the rage. "I planned to ask her when I was on my way home from the hospital "

" Then why didn't you? "

" Nanny, why does it matter? She did what she was accused of anyway. If not, then what was she doing with that man? If she was innocent, she would have told me since we were in a relationship but she didn't. What did you expect me to think? Of course, she is guilty. You need to bel__" he was cut off by a hot slap on the face.

" Just shut up already! "

He held his face dumbfounded at what just happened "You slapped me? "

" Yes, and I'll do it over and over again."

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