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*Little Jackson*
*Daddy Mark*
Mark and Jackson get into a bad argument
*Chapter requested by: Just_Maaike
⚠️⚠️⚠️*!!icky words. Fighting!!*⚠️⚠️⚠️


'No answer.'

Knock. Knock.

'No answer, again.' Jackson sighed for about the 100th time in the last 10 minutes, "Mark? You need to come out now sweetie, you've been coup'd up in there for three days now. You need to eat baby." Waiting for an answer, Jackson looks up and pinches the bridge of his nose. He swears he can feel the grays growing in. He's only 20.

'Not answering, huh?' Jackson huffs as he picks up the bag of food he brought off the floor and begins punching in the code to Mark's studio. Upon unlocking the door Jackson is met with darkness surrounding him. He steps in carefully as he takes a look around until his eyes land on a hunched over figure in front of a computer screen. The brightness from the computer shows an outline of messy hair and headphones. Jackson's eyebrows furrow in worry as he lets out another sigh, placing the bag of food down on what seems to be a couch, Jackson runs his hands along the wall to find the light switch.  After about 5 minutes Jackson finally feels the switch under his palm, switching it on and Mark flinches at the sudden attack of light.

"What the fu- Jackson?" Mark spins around in his chair, headphones falling off in the process, after letting his eyes adjust to the light he focuses on the 5'7 male, "What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to get you to eat, you've been coup'd up in here for too long, it's been three days Mark, I'm worried about you." Jackson responds, his voice thick with concern and worry, his eyebrows scrunching together.

"Well I didn't ask you to fucking worry, did I?" Mark snaps, his eyes narrowing into a glare.

Taken aback, Jackson stares at Mark for a few seconds before dryly chuckling, "Then, cry me a fucking river, all I do is care and worry about you and you give me this bullshit."

"Oh please, like you care for me. All I ever hear is 'Daddy this'  and 'Daddy that'. You don't care for me Jackson," Mark mocks Jackson, smirking slightly when he sees the younger male tense, "Grow up why don't you? Maybe then you'll stop acting so damn childish."

"Fuck you Mark, fuck you and everything you fucking stand for. I cook for your ungrateful ass food, I clean up after you, I stayed up for three days straight worrying about you. Wondering if you're okay, wondering if you're eating enough or sleeping enough. So don't tell me I don't worry about your bitch ass, because I do, whether it'd be in little space or not. So fwuck ou dwaddy. Fwuck ou, I fwucking hwate you. I hate you for the shit you put me through." Mark pants out, fat tears run down his face as he feels his heart being ripped, like meaningless paper.

"Boo fucking hoo, be a little attention whore and cry to the others like you always do." Mark snapped and turned his back on Jackson, focusing on the program being projected through the computer.

Jackson stood frozen for a few moments, staring at Mark's back before he scoffed, "Fuck you." He retorted in english, venom dripping from his tone. Turning on his heel he walked towards the open door before stopping briefly, "Enjoy your meal." Swiftly walking out the building without looking back. Not even bothering to wipe his tears even as the cold winter air nipped at his puffy face.

As Jackson walks back he's thinking of his members and all the cuddles he'll get from them and his stuffies. As Jackson was walking back to his dorms he couldn't help but think about what his boyfriend told him, and sadly he slowly started to believe every single thing Mark told him. While walking Jackson couldn't help but let out little sobs here and there. When Jackson got to the dorm he walked right into the warm air, barely getting up the stairs he was immediately brought into the warmest pair of arms.

"Hun what's the matter? You didn't call anyone to pick you up and here you are crying." Jae-bum asked. "*hiccup* Daddy usie mweanie wowds..." At this point Jackson couldn't stop crying, feeling littler than usual he felt quite weird about what was happening and why his daddy would use that language towards him. At this point all the other members came running out trying to figure out why their little sunshine was crying.

"Sunshine what's the matter?" Yugyeom asked even though he thinks he has a clue on what had happened. "Mwe an daddy gwot intwo fwight oday...I dun fink dada woves mwe anymowe..." The last sentence completely broke his heart, but unfortunately he might've been right, Mark was acting off and avoiding Jackson but wouldn't tell him what was wrong or even talk to him.

"No no baby don't think like that I'm sure your daddy loves you." Jin-young tried to assure the younger. "Nu nu hwe dun, hwe hwate mwe...hwe nu wove mwe nu mowe...." Jackson cried out.

"Hey baby how about we watch some movies and cuddle and when big Jackson's ready to explain were here to talk, how does that sound bubs?" Bambam asked. "Swounds gwood.." Jackson answered.

*A couple movies and cuddles later*

"Hey baby can we talk to Jackson now?" Jin-young asked sweetly. "Mhmm." Even though Jackson didn't want to leave little space he still had to explain to his members what had happened.

*because im lazy and don't want to re-explain everything again heres a time skip*

At the end of his explanation Jackson was in tears and all his members were in shock that Mark would ever say something like that to his one and only love, but they had to admit that he had been acting distant and off lately.

"When do you plan on talking to him about this Jackie?" Jae-bum asked. "I dunno...I don't really want to talk to him about it anytime soon...He's being an ass-hat..." Jackson said and even though it hurt him to call Mark that he meant it.

"Your gonna have to talk to him sooner or later Jackie." Yugyeom said, even though he felt bad for Jackson and didn't want him anywhere near Mark they were gonna have to talk it out soon. " I know.." Jackson sighed.

"Who's he gonna have to talk to...."
*To be continued*
A/N: hellloooooooooooo!! Okie so first off I wanna say thanks to my wonderful girlfriend who wrote the angst part because whewwww I can't write that shit. Anygays I hope you all enjoy this cliffhanger oh and the chapter as it was out of my comfort zone and I tried really hard to make it into one part but I have other ideas for a part twoooo! Soooooo yeah but I hope you all enjoy it anddddd yeah! I love you guyyssss and girlsssss bye byeeeeee🥺❤️💚💜🖤🤍💙🧡💖🤎💛💗💞💕💝💓

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