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Chapter Thirteen - Missing

      Sasha woke up to Matt's loud, drunken snoring. She groaned and rolled over looking for her phone to check the time. Her head was pounding, her mouth was dry and her throat was sore from all the singing.

She had to get up for a drink of water and some painkillers. As she opened her bedroom door, she noticed the bedroom door at the end of the hall was slightly open. She peeked in to check on Lily. She wasn't there.

Knowing that even when drunk, Lily was an early riser, she carried on to the stairs to go down to the kitchen, assuming Lily had done the same thing. The closer she got to the bottom of the stairs, the louder the television seemed to get. Lily must be in there watching TV. 

She passed by the living room and headed straight to the kitchen, grabbed a clean glass, dodged the wine splatter on the floor which she told herself she would clean up later, and rummaged around in the kitchen drawer for painkillers.

She found some, and filled her glass full of water. After swallowing two tablets she headed to the front room, where Chloe was asleep on the sofa, and Chris was awake watching TV. "Where's Lily?" Sasha asked.

"Is she not upstairs?" Chris asked.

"No. I thought she was down here with you guys."

"Haven't even seen her this morning." Chris shrugged. "I'm sure she's alright, maybe she's just gone for a run with the dog." 

"No, she's in the kitchen sleeping in her bed." Sasha widened her eyes. "Oh, God!" 

"What?" Chris asked.

"What if that psychopath has found her?"

"I'm sure I would have noticed someone coming in and abducting her." Chris told her.

"What's going on?" Chloe asked from the sofa, rubbing her eyes.

"Lily's gone."

"What?" She shot up, the blanket falling to the floor. "Have you called her?"

"Not yet."

"Here." Chloe gave Sasha her phone. 

Sasha searched for Lily's number and pressed call. It rang out. No answer. She tried again.

Matt had just woken up. Lily's phone was in his hand as he saw Chloe's name flash up on the screen for the second time.

"No point guys," He said as he walked into the living room. "Her phone was in the bathroom." He didn't notice the urgency at first, then quickly realised what was happening. "Where is she?" He was greeted by silence. "Hey! Is she gone?"

Sasha nodded as she put the phone to her ear again. "Hello? Yes, I need the police please. I want to report a missing person."

    Lily's head was hurting. She rubbed the back of her head, the source of the pain. As she pulled her hand away, she noticed it was covered in blood. Luckily most of it was dried blood, which meant the bleeding had almost stopped.

She looked around but saw nothing but darkness. She tried to remember how she got here, but couldn't. All she remembered was waking up, grabbing her bottle of water and taking a few gulped. Then she started feeling dizzy and sick so headed to the bathroom, then nothing.

Did I fall and hit my head?... That hangover has to be the worst one ever.

As her eyes adjusted to the dark, she started to be able to see things. In the corner, just a table with a lamp which wasn't turned on. She scrambled over and pulled the cord and a dim light came on. The room wasn't lit up much, but she could see that she was in an empty room. No windows, and only one door. She turned the doorknob and nothing happened. It was locked. She looked on the table for a key, but couldn't find one.

Where the hell am I?



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